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Emilie became a pretty avid chess journalist. She often appeared in Chess Review and even had a few other places where her articles and drawings would appear occasionally. She was even able to find opportunities to coincidentally cover tournaments that Benny Watts was participating in, and she was able to make decent money. It wasn't so much she could move out but it was enough to make her feel more secure.

She wasn't at home as much, but she was able to see a lot of major cities in the United States, she never chose the ones in Denver though, she intended to keep that promise to Alma. There was a major opportunity on the horizon for both Harmon sisters. Beth was probably going to play the Russian, Borgov. Emilie was going to be one of the dozens reporting on it. This tournament was across the border and required a more expensive flight.

It had been about a year since Emilie had her first article published. Things hadn't gotten easier, but they had gotten more intense. All around her everyone was progressing, including herself. Alma was going to visit her pen pal and might finally get some happiness that was all her own, Beth was continuing to be her talented self, inching toward the title of World Champion, she was honestly so proud, and wanted them to be happy.


Emilie left the room around the same time as Beth but Beth was done way before her. Her surplus of skill made a lot of her games short, Emilie had to go around, she was trying to figure out which players had the same sparkle that showed they might have what it takes to take this competition further. This was a very professional tournament so there were a lot more really good people compared to the average open, and Emilie made many notes about each.

Once she had taken general notes, she had to go to fly out to Connecticut on her own. She had been given a specific assignment to cover that tournament, while the notes she took were more for future articles. She tried to travel with her family when she could but she was a grown woman at this point and didn't need her mommy to travel with her anymore, especially for work.

This would end up being her life's regret.


Connecticut was nice, clean cut mostly. Especially in the area she was visiting. She was going to be in Connecticut for about a week. Her lodging was very cheap but was about two hours away from where she needed to be. Spoiler alert, she was staying at Benny's for free, she took a bus in the morning to get there, and Benny would pick her up and take her back home. This whole trip to Connecticut was normal. She did her job, wrote the information up, and honestly lived a pretty comfortable life with Benny. Whenever they were with each other, things felt very normal. After their first "date" they just became very domestic.

"I'm going to miss you, Harmon," He said wrapping his arm around her waist.

"What happened to Mr. tough guy," she in turn wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Are you trying to tell me I've gone soft?" He said in mock offense, to which she knocked off his hat, in the middle of the airport.

"Well what are you going to do about that?" She giggled before going up on her toes to press a kiss to his lips.

"I'm still very hard," he paused, then tried to stifle a laugh before Emilie let out a contagious, cackling laugh.

"Bet you are cowboy," she gazed up for a bit before ruffling his hair, "You know? I like your hair. You should let it breathe more,"

"That's the last thing you're going to say before you have to go? That you like my hair?"

"Well, yours wasn't exactly insightful," she paused before exhaling, and pressing her forehead against his, "Benny, I lo-,"

"Passengers flying to Lexington, Kentucky, please board now,"

"I'll miss you Emmy,"

"Benny I lo-loathe this feeling of leaving,"

"I know, I know,"

She looked back about every ten feet, until he was no longer in view.


Emilie arrived at home on a cold early spring day. She loved this kind of weather, she loved the cold wind in her hair, but there were still little flowers around.

When she went home, the house was cold, in an uncomfortable, morbid way. She didn't know why, but something was wrong.

"Beth?" Emilie called out.

"I'm up here," Beth said. Her voice sounded weak, was Beth sick?

Emilie put her bags down quickly and ran upstairs to check on Beth. Beth was crying, in Alma's jacket. Where was Alma?

"Wh-what happened?" Emilie didn't know why, but she was scared, what had happened, part of her didn't even want to find out.

"She's gone," Beth choked out.

"Who, what did- Beth what happened?"

"Mother is gone, I found her dead in bed,"

"N-no, she couldn't have," Emilie stood up, "There must have been a mistake," She couldn't stand it, couldn't bear to go on, yes she was grown but... still. A girl always needs her mother. The Harmon sisters had lost their mother twice. That was the final hit it took to completely shatter their lives. Emilie laid down beside her, and they cried but that didn't stop the ache.

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