Look at Us

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Things seemed really exciting as they walked to the car,

"Where do you want to go first?"

Then fell flat. She didn't know where she wanted to go, what she wanted to do, like at all. She shrugged and looked up at him. Cue the awkward tension.

"Well, I know you wanted to meet in the middle and hang out but there's nothing really that cool that I know of in New Jersey, so would you mind if we went over to New York?"

She gulped and shook her head.

"So if we can go to New York, I know a few good takeout places,"

This time she nodded.

He turned to her and said, "Harmon, as I've gotten to know you, you've been many things but one of them is not shy. You okay,"

"Yeah, I'm fine,"


"I don't know, we just have always kind of had something we had to work around, whether it be distance or like the times between tournaments. There's no obstacle so I'm not really sure what to do with myself,"

"Ok, how about this, while we drive we can play chess,"

"No board?"

"It's not really necessary, I can remember everything and I bet you can too, if not you can write the stuff down,"

"That helps how?"

"Well, now you have an obstacle, having to remember the game while talking to me,"

"But you have an advantage you'll win,"

"Honey, I always intended on winning," he said with a smirk.

"But then I'll cry, I can cry on command," Emilie said forcefully trying to prove a point.

"I know you won't, even so, you can do so right here," he pointed to his shoulder.

"Either way the knife-wielding cowboy wins,"

"Well that's the point and anyway it'll give you something to draw," 

"What would I draw? Your condescending, annoying face?"

"You said my face was nice last time we saw each other. You're the artist, if you want you could draw any part of me. I could always model for you. I've heard nude models get paid well." She swatted him arm and he laughed.

"Ok now drive!"

"Jesus lady!"

"Now ladies first, what's your move?"

"Pawn to E4," Laughs echoed through the car throughout almost the whole ride as they crossed the state borders.


"So according to my tally marks... you've beaten me five times and I've beaten you half a time in a draw,"

"Sounds about right. You must be getting rusty,"

"Well, I'd want to see you try and draw an accurate representation of a chess match!"

He just shrugged sarcastically, smiling at her.

"Ok, then we'll have a competition once you stop driving,"

He turned to look at her, quirking an eyebrow.

They eventually drove by what seemed to be your stereotypical New York Diner, he then made a left turn and arrived at a small restaurant with outdoor seating. It was a crisp borderline autumn day, so eating outside honestly wouldn't be that bad.

𝑪𝒉𝒆𝒄𝒌𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒆: 𝑩𝒆𝒏𝒏𝒚 𝑾𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒔 𝒙 𝑶𝑪Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ