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A slight smile escaped my lips as my gaze flickered over the reflection of my body in the mirror, I liked how the black dress I was wearing wasn't hugging my body except for the fitted waist, and how exceptionally-ideally it reached just a little above my knees. Seeing myself in this dress reminded me that I should thank Nayla for this, the rare moment of me wearing a dress came, but ironically I had none in my closet. So, I could only turn toward my ones for all; my assistant. As I promised Ben, that after finalizing my project with Carlocles, I'll give him a few days off. So, he went off to enjoy and all the work fell on Nayla, but I never hear her complain.

As my gaze flickered back toward my reflection, a flashback of me wearing those tight bodycon dresses but more slutish and short, passed through my eyes. What bothers me isn't how I look, but how I didn't even know that I wasn't myself. Shaking my head I tried to dismiss the thought, although countless times my past self went to the Z'nA, I wasn't able to have the entry pass of the opening night, no matter how much I was willing to spend. A bitter smile appeared on my face, this time I didn't even have to try.

Life sure has funny ways of playing.

Not wanting to waste further time, taking a tissue I lessened the redness of my lips, which was itching me as too much, dabbing them to even the color I applied a light layer of gloss, and finally, it looked decent enough to my eyes. Picking up my clutch, I left the room and walked toward Kai's room. Today was Saturday and he was busy playing video games because he can sleep till late tomorrow.

'Shoot him! He's hiding behind the tree! Shoot!' 

Before even stepping inside his room, I could hear his shouts that were too loud to ignore. As I reached his door, pushing it gently, I stood in the doorway, chuckling at his shouting and jumping. I tried to call his name, but he wasn't responding, probably the headphones he was wearing were too loud for him to hear anything else. Not wanting to step inside his tousled and messy room, I attempted to pick up the cushion lying on the nearby couch to the door and threw it at him.

"Ah!" He shouted too loud, and in an instant turned to face me standing behind him, pushing off his headphones he gravely scowled at me. "You could have called my name! I-I thought I got shot, my opponent was shooting me and I thought..."

When he apprehended his rambling, he shut himself up. Seeing him like this, I laughed, "You seriously thought someone shot you, dumb-boy, you're playing a game."

"Whatever..." He tried to dismiss his embarrassment and changed the topic after staring at me all dressed up, with a confused look urged, "You're going somewhere?"


He pointed at the dress I was wearing and with the look of, you-never-wear-anything-except-a-suit- asked, "Some party?"

"A club opening."

"Is Elijah going too, with you?"

Elijah left for Boston yesterday, where he was going to meet his parents in a private hotel room and discuss the demands they have threatened him with. According to them, they wouldn't stop spreading the news that he, Elijah, took all the money from his parents and left them to live in misery. When he earned the money and the time came to return their debt, he refused, suppressed them, and whatnot.

 Ah~ the exaggerated lies. I wish I was there to strangle them, well, on a serious note, I know Elijah will do this on my behalf. If they think they can blackmail and pressurize him, then they are way wrong. In past years, Elijah faced no controversy, anything that could threaten his fame or reputation, the reason was he never did any such thing, not because he was afraid of scandals or controversies.

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