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Allgaier Corporation's new CEO: A seventeen-year-old Girl.

Allgaier Industries & Corporation is on its way to bankruptcy with its new young CEO: How long will a multi-billion-dollar Corporation stand?

A reckless decision, deceased Odgen Allgaier's young stepdaughter, the new CEO made by Jackson Hale.

And the list goes on...my eyes moved from one headline of the newspaper to the other, and I could only shake my head calmly at their ways of selling news. Several magazines and newspapers approached me for pictures and interviews but I declined them. My past self did this stupidity and gave as much as interviews and cover magazines, without a single accomplishment. In the end, my actions were mocked & my words were degraded. This time, I'm not going to repeat my imbecility, instead of me, only this company will make headlines.

"So, how does it feel?"

I raised my eyes toward the man seated in front of me, "There's not much to how I feel, I knew this was going to happen so."

"You better not take his easy. The risk I have taken, by making an obnoxious seventeen-year-old CEO, only I know." Jackson taunted, pointing at the newspaper in my hand.

"I know too, don't worry, I won't let you down."

Noticing the confidence in my words Jackson, who was staring at me with an apparent warning in his narrowed eyes, gave me a nod. I know he was just saying and didn't really mean it. During this year I can feel that despite his seemingly distant behavior with me he still trusts me, and this time not of helplessness but because I have fulfilled his expectations. I haven't let him down that's why he has handed such prestigious hard-earned company in my hands.

Today's my first day as CEO of Allgaier Industries and Corporation and this time I have earned it.

The last two months after concluding the project with Ming Technologies were nothing less hectic, all the investments we did pay off well, and the annual profit of the company increased by fifteen percent this year. Seeing this, where board members and shareholders thought it would be hard to maintain previous progress after Odgen's death, they never imagined the increase, so they had no problem in making me CEO. In fact, I can see that they were impressed with my work. For the outside world, all the work has been done by Jackson Hale, so they couldn't comprehend why would he make a young-girl CEO if he can handle the company this well? What they are unaware of: how this man pushed everything on me. Even one time about three months ago, I saw him sleeping in the office, which I believe was not the first time but he never admitted it.

Coming back to thinking of him scowling in front of me, taking out the file from the drawer I handed it to him. Earning a confused look in response so I explained, "Your retirement plan from the company."

"Brat. What retirement? The first thing you're doing is to kick me out, don't go ahead of yourself, I still have the authority, don't forget."

Without giving the file any look, he once again started scolding me. Spending time with Jackson, I have realized a few things, he's stiff and appears quite frightening, and in the beginning, he would only speak a few words with me. But with time our relation also improved and turned into a master-disciple kind of one. A master who liked to scold and push his work on his disciple and I, on the other hand, learned to half-ignore and half-listen to him.

"You're old and lazy. I don't need you in the company."

"Old? You! This girl! Stand up, I'm taking back my words, I don't want to make you CEO."

And sometimes he gets provoke this easily and acts childish.

I know Jackson isn't old, but the way he acts is like an awkward-grumpy old man, that's why no one in the company can even look him in the eyes. His muscular built and those sharp eyes, along with how he carries himself in a tuxedo, scream his authority. It pains me to think sometimes, that this man gave up his life and in his last moments he looked nothing like this -his tan skin looked pale and lifeless, eyes dim and weak, his body frail.


"At least open the file, have a look."

At my words, the man, who was standing in front of me demanding from me to leave this office with an angry look, paused and glanced at the file I handed him. With lowered brows and a grim face, he again sat down and looked suspiciously at me, after opening the file, "What-" He halted, I can see astonishment filling his eyes, "How did you know?" he demanded.

Inside the file is full details of the world's best hospital for the brain tumor and its procedure, all things are prepared, he just has to go there for treatment. I have taken care of all the things, his tumor still hasn't spread much so they'll take him under consideration, and examine him. If it's in a fatal state they will precede toward surgery and if not then chemotherapy, which depends upon the stage his tumor is. On the safe side, it will take from six to nine months for him to get healthy and overcome this deathly substance, hopefully.

"It was not hard, you know, you aren't good at hiding your reports and taking care of yourself."

I held Jackson's gaze, he was sitting there expressionlessly staring at me. I know I'm underage and he can't leave us being our guardian but this is important, I won't let him again waste his life on us.

"We need you, Kai and I, but not when you're like this. Trust me, I can handle everything, you just have to get healthy," I tried to pursue him but he just stared at me sharply, neither saying anything nor moving an inch of his blank face.

After another few moments of stretched silence, I heard him say, "You brat, you're just using this as an excuse to kick me out of the company."

A light chuckle left my lips, not because of his words and sour tone but I'm relieved that he didn't refuse.

I called my assistant inside, "Ben knows everything about this, he'll explain everything to you in detail and about your departure." Jackson didn't say anything and just stiffly nodded, clearly not used to hearing others telling him what to do. I ignored his distress and ordered Ben to carefully explain everything.

When they left my office, I continued my work.

Ben's my newly appointed assistant, he's one of the members of the team that worked with me on Ming Technology's project. They are of a total of nine and for their hard work, I gave them promotions as the team of CEO, which will exclusively work for me. Out of four men and five women, I chose Nayla along with Ben as my other assistant, they both are also head & representatives of the team after me. They are all honest, young & vigorous workers of the company, that's why I decided to keep this team and make them particularly work for me. I need these kinds of people because, in the future, they'll not be short of bribery and offered resources for leaking the company's information. Thinking of this, some traitors betrayed this company when it was at its lowest. These actions could be somewhat justified due to my negligence in work, therefore, I still haven't gotten rid of them. I'll give them a chance if they still chose the same route then they'll have no one else to blame but themselves.

I'm also done with online school, just a month ago I graduated. I still haven't decided what I want to study further. I'm thinking of continuing with online classes but for now, I have decided to take a year off from getting admission to any university. I want to fully focus on this new responsibility I have.

Hopefully, everything will go on just like the way it's now.

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