||Chapter 35||

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"Hey your brothers here" I hear a few guys whisper as I stretch. I ignore them knowing they were probably talking about the new guy  Xavs twin brother. I'd seen the guy and he was built for football. "And he's with that Cecelia chick hey River isn't that your girl" my head quickly darts over to see Cecelia and some guy with duffel bags staring at eachother.

I shake my head not bothering to look any longer. Her and I would sort us out later, right now I couldn't be distracted by some wanna be who was probably harassing her. Its fine I'd show him on the field.

I hear the head coaches voice boom as he tells us all to gather around. I walk over with the rest of the guys towards center field "I'm gonna need your names down in the registration form and you all need to put down two preferential positions incase you don't make your first one then we're gonna run some basic drills, considering the long off season I'm not expecting too much. but I am watching you and so will my assisting staff" he concludes before walking back over to the rest of the coaching staff.

The boys hand out the clipboards, I take one and sign my name with my position next to it. I don't bother putting in a second position considering coach already knows me and I've been starting QB since my second year. I hand the clip board over to the next guy and continue my stretches. I look up and my jaw almost drops as I see my brother standing not far from me signing his name. I look around confused making sure I wasn't in some kind of fucked up dream "Dude what are you looking at?" Derek one of the guys asks "That's my brother right?" I say still thinking I'm seeing things "yeah?" He replies confused. I shake my head and begin to laugh.

I stare at him a little longer wondering if he was seriously trialling.I knew he played a little considering mom bragged about him all the time but when didn't she brag about Tate he was her picture perfect son. I roll my eyes and walk over to him with a couple of the other guys.


I'm signing my name and position when I hear someone whistle. I look up checking if it was the coach but am instead met with River and his little posse going around to collect the clipboards "Fuck it is you" he says laughing "What do you want Riv" I say ignoring him as I continue to fill out the sheet "What are you doing here bro we both know this is my field" he says with the same smug grin he always had "Do we?" I say looking up at him wondering if he really believed the bullshit he was talking. He looks back at his friends and laughs at my response "I guess I don't really give a fuck about what you consider yours anymore" I smile not bothering to look at him "not after what happened between you and Elena I'm done backing off if you want shit you better start working for it" I say shoving the clipboard into his chest and holding it there.

Coach collects the other clipboards and tells everyone to get into gear. River breaks the silence first still visibly pissed off "You're gonna regret that" he says clenching his teeth "I look forward to it" I say before walking off to follow Cole to our bags.

"You know I just moved here and all but I've heard about how good River is... you seriously want to be on his bad side right now?" Cole asks as he takes out his boots and mouth guard "I'm not scared of him" I say shrugging my shoulders and laughing. I knew River was good didn't mean he was better than me. "Is this by any chance about Ms.Cecelia" he asks as he laces "in a way but this is mostly some brotherly love" I say putting on the rest of my gear.

We meet back at centre field and start doing some drills. I knew my brother and he was a show off. Of course he was at the front while we ran laps and the first to finish after we did sets, just because you're fast didn't mean you were doing it right I think to myself as I realised he was tiring himself out from show boating. Lucky for him endurance was in his genes, unlucky for him we shared the same genes "Great you guys are looking better than expected BUT STILL NOT PERFECT" coach yells as we finish up our drill "Now I'm gonna spilt you into to two teams Blues vs Greens based on the positions you have chosen as well as the positions I think you are best suited for based on your skill, speed, strength and size" he says calling over one of the assistant coaches to hand him his clipboard he was writing in earlier "Halfbacks" he calls out "Red team McCarthy" he calls pointing to one half of the field "blue team Jones" he says pointing to the other half.

Coach continues down the list and there's a very obvious patter happening with the majority of the red team being last years team mixed in with the top pick from other schools. It was obvious coach had already decided his team for the year "Wide receiver" he calls the second to last position before quarter back "RED" he pauses scanning the group "BATEMAN" he calls out Coles last name which I'm for some reason proud as I see Cole walk to join the already decided winning team "QUATERBAAAACK" he squawks out cause most of the guys to flinch "RED KERRINGTON" he calls out River and I's last name causing us to look over at eachother "River KERRINGTON" he says plucking out River to join the red team. River smirks as he walks past me probably already being used to trials running this way. I stand there amongst the 12 or so other guys waiting for their names to be called "BLUE KERRINGTON" he says calling my name now. I Shrug internally before walking to the side of the field that had the blue team waiting.

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