||Chapter 14||

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I knew I had feelings for Cecelia I just didn't know what feelings they were so I decided I wouldn't talk to her until I was 100% sure.

The Edendale school camp was coming up and I had to do all I could to avoid her.


I lie on my bed and stare at the ceiling.
River still wasn't back and I had to distract myself from thinking of things that weren't happening.


I hear my phone buzz on the dresser. I jump up from my bed to see whos calling.
I swear to god if its Audrey I will smash my phone.

I look to see its an unknown number.

Ugh. "WHAT" I roar at the  phone. Was I angry at the person calling because they weren't Cecelia or was I angry at myself for not being able to control myself when it came to her?

"Potatoe" I hear an energetic little girls voice on the other side of the phone.

"Olivia?" I ask smiling.

"Can you pick me up, please. My sister is gone" she was what? Where was she? Where was Olivia?

"Liv where are you?" I ask concerned.

"I'm with this lady," she says snickering.

"Well, could I please talk to the lady," I ask hoping she was alright.

"Mmm..okey," she says in her high pitched adorable voice.

After a long pause, the lady finally talks "Hi. Sorry this seems so unprofessional normally we wouldn't call non-emergency contact family members but she was very insistent you would pick her up and the Ballet school is closing soon" I laugh to myself just imaging what Olivia was doing to this lady.

"Yeah, no that's fine ill be there soon" I knew which ballet school she was at because she wouldn't stop going on and on about it when she stole the phone off Cecelia before.

I throw on a shirt, get my keys, and jog down to the car.

I speed to the ballet school not wanting to keep her waiting too long and also I was really excited to meet her.

I park outside the school and run up the stairs.

"Potatoooooe" I see her charging towards me.

"Livvvv" I squeal back kneeling down to catch her.

"You are a lot better looking in person" she giggles. Seriously this girl seemed a lot older than 4.

"I like your Tutu," I say back still carrying her.

"Wheres your sister," I ask putting her down.

"I don't know," she says shrugging her shoulders.

She looked exactly like a miniature version of Cecelia.

"Well do you want to go get some get some ice cream and ill call your sister?" I ask her.

She nods her head vigorously.

I chuckle and thank the lady at the desk.

Considering I didn't have a car seat and she was only four I walk her to the Diner me and Cecelia went to study.

I knew there was another diner that was closer but I knew our diner was probably better.


After walking for a bit I see Liv starting to get tired.

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