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"I need two roast beef melts, both with extra bacon and tomatoes," Aaliyah called to the cooks in the back.

Aaliyah dreaded Friday nights. Sandi's Café received more customers now than any other night of the week. People just wanted to treat themselves to something nice, kick back and relax after a long week at work. Though she wished she would have done the same, instead, she was pulling a double shift thanks to the employees who decided to attend some raving party.

"Lia, order up!" informed the cook as he slid the two ceramic plates through the window.

Aaliyah quickly grabbed the two plates from the window and placed them down in front of the two men sitting at table six. "Here you go, gentlemen. Enjoy." She smiled. "I'll check back on the both of you here in a few. Enjoy your meal."

She let out a tired sigh and glanced up at the clock. Almost ten o'clock, and the last of the customers were clearing out. Whilst wiping down the last of the remaining tables, one of her co-workers, Samantha Moore, made her way toward her.

"So, how are you liking Port Isabel?" Samantha shot her a warm smile, her beautiful brown eyes glittering in the dim light of the restaurant.

Aaliyah placed a few dishes down into the tub and faced her. "Still getting used to it, to be honest. It's quite different from what I've grown accustomed to." She closed her eyes and thought back. Memories of Nathan's abuse flashed through her mind, memories she was trying so hard to forget.

Samantha laughed quietly. "Well, you'll love it here. We don't have much like the bigger cities, but we make up for it, you know? Besides, the people here are great. It's one of the many reasons why I chose to stay and raise my son here."

Aaliyah smiled. "Then I guess I made the right choice by staying."

She wheeled the cart into the kitchen and began loading the dishes into the dishwasher before locking up. She took off her apron and glanced solemnly around the kitchen. She missed her bakery, sorely, and even more, she missed seeing the looks on her customers faces as they bit into her delectable sweets and the praise she'd receive afterwards.

The kitchen doors flew open, bringing Aaliyah back into reality. Samantha sighed heavily and drained the mop water before storing it back into the supply closet and turning to her.

"Do you want a lift home?"

Aaliyah shook her head. "No, thank you. I'm fine. I really don't mind walking."

"Are you sure that's a good idea? It's usually pretty safe here, but you never know who lurks in the dark."

"Probably not, but I could really use the fresh air right about now."

Samantha hesitated. "Just be careful, okay?"

"I will. I promise."

Aaliyah had already escaped her worst nightmare; she wasn't worried about anything else.


The following morning, Aaliyah headed down to White Lumber & Supply to buy stain and supplies to fix some minor damages to the house. As she stepped through the sliding doors, she inhaled the smell of freshly cut lumber.

As she began to stroll down one of the aisles, she instantly felt overwhelmed by the extensive amount of supplies neatly placed on each shelf. She didn't know where to begin.

"You look a little lost," a voice said, startling her.

Aaliyah spun around and came face to face with an imposing man that looked to be in his late twenties or early thirties; the same age as her, standing behind a platform truck parked at the end of the aisle. He took a step in her direction, and she resisted the urge to take a defensive step back. His sheer size took her aback. He was well over six-feet tall, with light short, cropped hair, olive skin, and mesmerizing blue eyes.

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