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The next few days were uneventful, probably because Aaliyah hadn't managed to see Jason even once. Samantha had informed her that he was doing much better and was slowly getting back on his feet. However, Aaliyah found herself missing him terribly, and three days of his absence in her life seemed like an eternity.

She threw herself into her work like never before, exhausting herself so that by the time she got into bed, she had no energy left to lie awake and worry over how incredibly lonely she felt. If only she had a phone, she could just text Jason--but Aaliyah was too afraid that if she got one, Nathan would somehow track her down. It was best to stay off the grid entirely.

The third day passed like all the rest. No Jason. Her days were empty, merely a progression of tasks. Time was not wibbly wobbly but passed excruciatingly slowly. However, to pass the time, Aaliyah decided to help Samantha plan her parents upcoming thirtieth anniversary.

They settled on her sofa, and Samantha brought Aaliyah up to speed. They had been at it for nearly an hour when they heard a knock at the front door.

Aaliyah stood up and walked toward the front door and opened it.

A delivery man stood on the porch, holding a large, very colorful flower arrangement. He smiled at her.

"Aaliyah Barnett?"

"Yes, that's right." Aaliyah stared at him with surprise as she took the flowers.

"Someone likes you," said the man, still smiling. He held out an electronic pad with a style-pen and Aaliyah signed awkwardly.

"Thank you."

"Have a lovely day."

Aaliyah closed the door and then carried the flowers through to the kitchen, where she put them on the island. She slipped out the attached card and read it quickly.

Your thoughtfulness is a gift I will always treasure.

Aaliyah stared at the flowers in amazement. It was a beautiful arrangement, bursting with lilies, iris, white stock, and pink snapdragons. She ran her finger over a soft, silky pink rose petal and smiled. No one had ever sent her flowers. Especially not Nathan.

"Oh?" Samantha said, breaking her from her thoughts.

"Beautiful, aren't they?" Aaliyah said dreamily, fingering the delicate petals. "You are going to tell him, aren't you?" Samantha asked. "About you? About your past?"

"I don't know yet." Aaliyah responded moodily, shifting her attention back to the flowers instead of meeting her friend's gaze.

"You have to tell him, Aaliyah," Samantha said, her voice calm, but stern.

Aaliyah sighed and closed her eyes for a moment. "Why? Why does he have to know?"

"Because you're friends," Samantha said. "He cares about you, Lia. You know he does."

"You think I don't know that," Aaliyah snapped, looking her friend in the eye at last. "You think I haven't thought about telling him or what he'll think of me after he learns the truth?"

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