Info: Annie Cullen

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Brith Name: Annie Jewel Rosemary

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Brith Name: Annie Jewel Rosemary

Birth date: June 24, 1902

Date Turned: Oct. 31, 1919

Death by: Older brother was a alcoholic and drowned her for 'misbehaving'

Species: Hybrid-Vampire and human

Parents: Ben Rosemary and Eva Rosemary

Siblings: Travis Dana Rosemary (Older brother)

Gift(s): Fire Burst and Whisper
FIRE BURST= Able to make her body burst into flames with out burning her
WHISPER=Can make anyone listen and do anything she ask by whispering all she needs to know is your birth name

True Mate:Edward Masen(Cullen)

Fear: Water or medium/large bodies of water

Past: Annie's Parents died from a car crash planned by her aunt because she thought they were 'bad' people when they were really lovely people but since the death of the parents her older brother Travis turned into a alcoholic and abused her mentally and physically every time she 'misbehaved' as he liked to say. October 31 1919 he brother drowned her and threw her in the ocean but Carlisle found her near deaths door and turned her but she did keep some human traits turning her into a hybrid and met her mate Edward. Soon both held strong feelings towards another nothing could break them apart and married months later.

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