Forks Police Station

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3rd POV

The Cullen family and their newest family members Leah and Seth walked up to the police station.

They opened the door and walked in.

"Mr.Cullen how may I help you and your family" a worker there asked.

"We would liked to ask for a restraining order against Isabella Swan" Carlisle spoke.

Chief Swan aka Charlie Swan walked up to the family after hearing about the restraining order against his daughter.

"Why, what did she do to you all" He asked a little aggressive.

"She got pregnant with Newton's baby and tried to pin the baby on Edward Cullen the man who Isabella is obsessed with, blackmailed us to get to try and be apart of my family, almost killed me in my own home.But we could take this to court and let the judge decide what to do with your daughter Isabella who did attempted murder and blackmail" Annie spoke walking up to him and showing him the video of Isabella trying to attack her with a knife.

Charlie looked shocked and disappointed at what Annie said and showed.

"Alright come with me and we'll file it" He said motioning the family to come with him.

Two hours later the Cullen family and new additions got the order done.

They were now in the house.

"Quick question why don't you two smell like a dog" Emmett

"Don't know and don't really care I'm just glad I'm away from that toxic tribe" Leah said hooking her arm around her little brother.

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