Chapter Eleven

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A loud ear-piercing boom filled the air and the ground started to shake violently causing me to awake from my deep slumber. The strong smell of smoke filled the air and I started to choke due to the lack of oxygen. My eyes flicked around the room but my vision appeared to be blocked by the thick grey fog. Roughly, I threw my arm off the couch and tried to reach for my bottle only to find it bone dry on the inside. My coughs were uncontrollable as I tried to gasp for fresh air. 

All four boys darted down the narrow hallway and through a mass of smoke and started to help me up, all five of us coughing on the contaminated air. Another tumultuous sound filled the air and the ground shook as I stood up on my nimble legs. Jin guided my dirty cropped hoodie upwards and covered my mouth and nose to stop me from inhaling as much of the gas as I was. Yoongi puts his hand on my arched back and leads me out of the apartment complex and every few minutes the same explosive noise would fill the air. Once we got out, it was broad daylight. We must have all slept in, but it couldn't have been long since the explosive booms woke all of us up. 

Finally, I let the hem of my black jumper drop down and I deeply inhaled in the clean air with my palms resting on my knees and my body bent over. 

"Oh my gosh..." Hobi says, out of breath.

My gaze lifted up to look in front of us. The sight was shocking. The buildings were now a crumbling rocky mess with huge chunks ripped from the walls. Fire and smoke everywhere. Consistent screams and growls of walkers fill the air. The sky was an orangey-brown colour and the sun was disguised behind a mass of smoky clouds. Busan was being blown-up as we speak. Perhaps that's why it was so quiet in Busan. Half of the Busan population must have fled whilst the others got unlucky, if the walkers hadn't got them, the bombs would have.  

"What happened?" I pant.

"I don't know but we need to get out of here and fast before we get blown up alongside these buildings." Yoongi states as a loud plane rushes above our heads..

"Right!" I shout.

At a speedy pace, we all begin to walk in the direction to the highway but rather than going along the highway again; this time, we climb over the railing and begin our journey to Seoul through the woodlands. My head starts to become light and everything starts to feel dizzy around me. I stop in my tracks and everyone turns around to look back at me as I was struggling to keep standing. I was really thirsty but I had no water.

"Y/n-ah, what's wrong?" Hobi asks, walking over to me and supporting me by my right bicep.

"Has anyone got water? I left my bag," I speak out hoarsely. 

"Aish... we all left them," Yoongi says brushing his hair back in frustration. I just stared at how his black hair moved alongside his fingertips.

I close my eyes tight for a moment and when I open them the dizziness starts to fade away.

"I'm okay, let's keep walking," I say sceptical of myself.

"We can stop at Gimhae, but that's still a six hour walk from here," Namjoon says.

"How do you know all this geographic stuff?" I ask Namjoon as we continue to walk forwards.

"My Mom was one of those weather ladies you see on the news," he simply states, "I used to watch her on the news every morning so I just know the cities roughly."

"Fair enough," I shrug.


We had been walking for a couple hours now and I'd started to fall to the back of the group due to my lack of energy. The boys were a few metres in front but it didn't bother me that much. Watching Hoseok playfully bash into Yoongi's side was entertaining to watch and the best part was Yoongi's irritated look. How that boy could be so playful at a time like this was beyond me. 

"Yah! Go annoy Y/n or something!" Yoongi says to Hoseok. 

"Maybe it's best if we take a break for a few minutes, I think Yoongi is getting a little grouchy," Jin says whilst laughing. His laugh reminded me of when you scrub a window clean until it is so shiny that is squeaks, but it always made you laugh along with him.

"Good idea," Namjoon says before sitting down on the dirt beneath us. 

We all sat together, leaning against different trees. Everyone goes silent for a moment but for long enough for me to hear the running water of a stream. Slowly, I got to my feet and the boys all looked up at me with confused expressions.

"Um... I need to pee so don't follow me," I say as I start walking in the direction that I believe the stream is in.

The brown leaves crunched under my boots as I walked further away from the boys. Until they were completely out of my sight. 

The water was getting close. Blisters were starting to form on my feet but I was ignoring them. I was close. Suddenly, my gaze landed onto a small stream and the clear water gushing in one direction. Should I go back and tell the boys? My throat was so dry though! What if I drank some and then came back with the boys after? 

a/n: Sorry for any mistakes, I try to triple check my chapters but sometimes they just slip past me diufldfdj 

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