Chapter Three

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"Yesterday not long before lunch there was an unknown violence spreading around the city...the whole of South Korea as far as we know. People just started to eat each other! After ages of suffering and sickness, the infected person will slowly die and once they do they of these zombie-like monsters that we call walkers. The only way they can truly rest in peace is by destroying the brain. Anyone who dies just...becomes one of those," the boy with silver hair says, who I now know to be Namjoon.

A fearful look crosses my face.

"What's with the papered windows?" I asked them.

"Well, we found that they only attack when they see humans...they seem quite calm otherwise. So if they can't see us in here we should be fine," Hoseok says.

I'd learnt all of their names now and I somewhat felt safe around them.

Namjoon was the silver haired boy who held a gun to my head and he is sixteen, there's no hard feelings; he's just a leader trying to take care of the group.

Hoseok was the red haired boy who seems friendly and he is also sixteen.

Seokjin, who prefers to be called Jin, is the man with broad shoulders and he is eighteen.

Lastly there is Yoongi, the one with black hair who saved me back in the streets and he is seventeen.

"How did you not know all of this, where were you when it happened?" Jin asked me.

"I'd say at that time," I thought for a moment, "I was unconscious."

"Oh..." He replied

Suddenly, a sharp pain hammered in the region where my head was cut. I gasped and help my hand onto it tight. Yoongi was always quiet and he didn't look like he cared but the other members looked concerned.

"Y/n what happened?" Hoseok asked worriedly.

"I hit my head, really hard earlier yesterday. It's hurting a little that's all," I said, trying not to seem dramatic.

Jin, Namjoon and Hoseok all came to examine my forehead whilst Yoongi just stayed in the corner of the room, leaning against the wall.

"I thought that was just blood from when Yoongi shot that walker," Namjoon states.

"Let me see," Jin says as Yoongi was still just watching from a distance.

He walks away and grabs a bottle of water before pouring it directly over my forehead, which wipes away any dirt and blood that was around my wound only to reveal a small gash.

"Ah, it's not as bad looking as it probably feels, looks pretty bruised too but it's nothing we can't fix with painkillers and rest. Luckily for you, Yoongi collected a few of them yesterday when he was on supply duty," Jin says, reaching into his bag before pulling out a small bottle of pills.

He two in my hand and I swallow them dry, which causes a lot of pain in my throat as I haven't drank anything for a while.

"When did you last eat or drink?" Namjoon asks, as if reading my mind.

"A couple days ago," I mumbled.

"WHAT?!" Hoseok exclaimed, "I bet you're starving!"

He runs back over to a chest of drawers and grabs a protein bar and a bottle of water.

"We don't have much, sorry," he says passing me the items.

After some time, I settle down on a small single bed that was in the corner, whilst the four boys share double beds, two in each one. I slept quite well, I was extremely exhausted from walking for miles overnight without any sleep. Slowly, my eyes closed and I drifted into a deep slumber.


In the morning, I looked around and the boys were all sat at a table. I sighed knowing that this should probably be where I take my departure. Quietly, I sat up from the bed and walked over to them.

"Hey, um...thanks for helping me yesterday, and saving me. However, I'm sure you guys don't want me burdening you all the while so I guess I'll be leaving," I said somewhat sadly.

I didn't want to leave. I was scared to leave to be honest. Having no weapons, or idea where I was going, was a pretty big downfall. I'm sure I wasn't going to last a few minutes alone but it has to be done. My first plan would be to find a convenience store...

"You don't have to go, you can come with us..." Yoongi says quietly.

"But-" I tried to negotiate.

"Just come with us, we'd like an extra hand and you don't know your way around Daegu," Jin comments.

"He's right, you won't last two minutes," Namjoon remarks.

"Right..." I sighed, "well I'll go get supplies then, so I'm not a waste of space..."

They all hesitated but nodded slowly. I didn't know how to use a gun so I grabbed a box cutter from the counter and started to head over to the door, where I detached the pole and snuck outside. I didn't realise until I was outside, that Yoongi was coming with me.

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