3 days till the announcement

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You walked through your front door feeling defeated, hearing levis fancy car speed off once again. Your dad gave you a tired smile and your mother looked up from sewing.

"Y/N? It's early. Why are you home?" She questioned, eyeing you up and down.
You waved your hand to exhausted to speak and began to walk upstairs to your room,
"Don't forget to set your alarm Your fiance will be here at 10 a.m to take you to see the apartments!" She reminded you before you slammed your door shut and flopping onto your bed. At that moment you remembered that your new fiance gave you his number and chats.

You groaned and pulled your phone out of your bag and began typing his number in.

To your surprise his number had been saved into your phone previously under the name Levi (husband).

You rolled your eyes thinking your mom must have done this without your knowledge and debated on what to send him.
You weren't even sure if you wanted this pathetic man to even have your number.
You gave a sigh and sent the sentence,
"Hello "romeo" it's me y/n." You could feel your sarcastic side cringing at how lame this was and sent it. After what felt like forever you got a response. It wasn't a message, more like a picture. And it left you wondering what the hell he was doing. On the photo he sent, was a picture of the painting you admired so much, of the cityscape.

You stared at it for a while wondering why he sent this to you before giving up for the night and falling asleep in your day clothes.


You awoke to the beautiful sound of the sewing machine in the living room.
Your mom hated using the newer ones aand insisted on making her clothing brand on the older style sewing machine.
You rubbed your eyes and looked at the time. Your heart almost stopped beating when your eyes read the numbers that blinked before you.

9:45 a.m.

Levi Will be here in 15 minutes.
You bolted out of bed and ripped your clothes off throwing on whatever you could find that was cute and running a brush through your messy hair. You tugged on your shoes and almost fell while running down the stairs, greeted by your mom's disapproving face.

"Really y/N? Youre late? And I'm a very important day too! " she scolded and stood up fixing your [length] h/c hair.

"Why didn't you wake me?" You asked grumpily whike hearing a car pull in.
"Because y/n You're an adult now. I expect you to act it. You'll be married soon you have to learn how to be punctual."

"What are we, living in old times? I stil don't understand why I HAVE TO BE MARRIED TO A MAN I DON'T EVEN LIKE." You cried out and crossed your arms.
Your mom sighed in annoyance and pushed you towards the door.

"I don't have time for this just go." She demanded and you walked out seeing the levis fancy car parked in the drive way. He honked his horn at you despite seeing you and it sent your blood boiling.

"Have fun you twooooo~" your mother sang as you got in the passenger side.
"Tch... You just woke up didn't you?" He growled before speeding out of the drive way.

You sighed as you and Levi approached the agent showing us these apartments today.
The man had greasy slick back hair and a smile so fake it made your eyes hurt to stare at.

"Ahhh the happy couple. Your uncle Kenny called and said you two were looking at apartments today Mr. Ackerman. " he sasaiwith a cheerful smile.
You rolled your eyes.
"Why else would we be here?" Levi scoffed. It was a relief to see he acted cold towards everyone he came across. Your mind drifted as the man spoke about the first apartment which was huge, complete with a terrace and an Indoor bar, complete with move in ready furniture and a fake fireplace in the livingroom. All of which were really fancy considering your family was poor until recently.
Your mind drifted to the picture Levi had sent, and you wanted to ask him about it.

The man showed you two the bedroom, which had a big four post bed, with another fireplace, and a big bathroom.
"And here is the master bedroom, o don't have to explain why THIS room is important and it's not just for sleeping haha!" The man tried to joke but Levi jist looked away and walked to the window looking out of it.

Your heart beat quickened at the realization that you and this strange man you knew nothing about would be sharing a bed.
Not to mention when kids would be thrown in the picture.

You shuddered and gave a soft fake smile to the man who suddenly gotta phone call and left you two alone to drown in awkward silence and thoughts.
You sat on the bed and twirled your thumbs as Levi paced around the fireplace.

"So do you like this place?" He asked in his usual monotone voice and tugged on his gray long sleeve shirt.
You gave a nod and continued to sit on silence.

"Is it big enough?"
You shivered at his question and nodded.
"Much bigger than I expected." You admitted and he clicked his tongue.
You pulled your phone out and flipped to the picture.

"So.. Levi why did you send me this last night?" You asked and held your phone up, he began walking towards you to get a better look....
But he must have tripped on the rug or something, because two seconds later he fell on top of you on the bed holding himself up above you.
You gulped and went to push him off before a whistle interupted you.

"Woah guys. At least buy the place before you test it out." He joked and Levi got off of you and cussed under his breath.
"We want to see more but I need a break." Levi growled and stormed out. You laid there for a moment before rushing after him.

"What the hell was that about? You shouted and he turned around with an angry glare.
"What do you mean? That was embarrassing! Do you not know what could have happened if that man wasn't paid extra to not spill the beans on our engagement??" He scolded.

You stared dumbfounded.
"It's not like I threw myself at you Levi trust me when I tell you I DON'T WANNA go there with you!" You growled and he got in your face till your noses practically touched. His eyes stared angrily into yours.
"Well you better learn how to. Cause in a couple of months this is our new fucking life."

You opened your mouth to argue before a soft voiced girl spoke.
"Levi? Is that you?"
You both turned your heads and were met by a short redhead with short hair and a slender body.
Levis face twisted into one that looked sick.
"Petra..." he whispered as you composed yourself.
She smiled at you and held out her hand.
"I'm Petra a friend of levis. And who are you?" She asked. You accepted her hand and smiled back.
"Well I'm y/n and I'm levis fia-" you began before he wrapped his arms around you from behind your back. You tensed up at the feeling as he lowered his face to yours pressing his cheek against yours and staring at her.

"This is my buisness deal Petra." He purred in your ear making your face flush.
She dropped your hand and gave a disgusted look.
"Well... sorry... I wanted to say hi. Didn't realize you Were with her... maybe you should call your friends sometimes...."she scolded sounding hurt before walking away.

You rolled yourself from levis arms and stared him in the eyes.
"Why???" You asked and he clasped a hand over your mouth.
"Shut the hell up brat people will see us.
She won't say anything she's a friend of mine." He growled.
He let you go and motioned you towards the office where the man selling apartments was.

"Not like it'll matter anyway. In three days we announce our engagement on live tv."


I love making Levi the stoic man who doesn't like you at first I love the dynamic of two people who can't stand eachother but over come it. Bear with me there's more lovely levis to come♡

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