Hate comments part 2

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"Levi..." you whispered as the others flanked around in the living room fighting over the remote.
Levi stood by the sink washing the dishes while Patrick placed the clean dishes away in a very specific manner.
He nodded his head to show he was listening and you clenched your skirt again in nervousness.

You wanted to ask about the comments.
Plus he still had your phone.
You opened your mouth to speak and he shot you a look.
"If you're going to ask for your phone back you can forget it. I'll return it tomorrow after we say goodbye to your..... friends."
He clicked his tongue, staring straight into your soul.
You gave a sigh and crossed your arms no longer feeling nervous.
"And what gives YOU the right to take my phone dad." You sassed with a roll of your eyes.

He finished the last dish, handing it to patrick and wiped his hands off on his dish towel.
"Well... I didn't know you were into that. Such a childish concept. I can assure you I'm not into that sort of kink y/n."  he hissed and you felt your face warm up instantly. You clenched your fists to the side.
"LEVI that is NOT what I meant! You're acting like my dad and i-" he covered your mouth before you could finish speaking and motioned into the living room where the group still fought over the remote.

"It doesn't matter what you say, I'll never be your daddy." He began before letting you go and crossing his strong arms.
You felt the heat in your cheeks rise even more at the thought of what he had said.
"The reason you can't have your phone, is because I don't trust that you won't read the comments. And.. you looked sad when you did." He began and Patrick left quickly to give the two of you some privacy. The noise of the arguing grew quieter as Levi spoke,

"Even I, get hate comments."
You stared in disbelief, thinking about the amount of women who cried at the party, and how over half of the comments on this page were hating on you. How could HE get hate? Hes perfect in everyones eyes.
Only you knew the true him.
He gave a sigh and rolled his grey eyes.
"Close your damn mouth brat, it's usually hate from jealous boyfriend's, or men who are just trolls."
You closed your mouth nodding as he spoke.
"So how do you deal with them?"

He clicked his tongue and picked up a cup of water by the top of the glass and took a sip. You cringed at the way he held his glass.
"I just don't care. It's hard for someone to hurt you when you shut them out. Lots of people love me, more than the people who hate me. So it makes it worth it." He began and walked over to you, his heels tapping the floor as he moved.
In a fluent motion he wrapped his hand around your waist and pulled you closely placing a kiss on your cheek and snapping a photo on his phone.

You pushed away and opened your mouth to speak before he showed the photo.
"Here brat, I'll send this to you. Post tgis with some sappy crap title and most of your haters will shut up when they see this."

"How... won't that just fuel their anger?" You asked and looked at his phone. The picture looked legit, despite you not wanting his lips on you. He looked happy, almost for a second. You forgot the photo was even staged for a second..

Your eyes met his who was back in the stoic expression you've come to know.
"Precisely. And those people who say I'm not inlove, will be fooled by this." He growled.

A notification lit up his screen which caused him to pull his hand towards him and look at his phone before you could read the name.
He stared for a moment before tossing your phome back at you and walking towards the stairs.
"Don't mess up my kitchen brat. And post that picture." He ordered. Erens eyes met yours from thhe couch where armin held the remote triumphantly, watching the tv with mikasa.
He had a look of concern on his face.
His lips mouthed the words
"You ok?"

You flashed a fake smile and nodded, as eren kept looking at you.
You could tell he was worried, and he couldn't do or say much since he was now under an oath to not speak of this buisness engagement to anyone. Your mind trailed back to just now when Levi yanked his phone away from you before you could read who's name was in the notification, and you felt a knot rise in your stomach.

'What was that notification on levis phone?' You wondered as you opened grinstam on your phone and posted the picture of the fake kiss under the caption;

'First night in our brand new apartment with my baby♡ so excited to move on with this chapter in our lives Levi ackerman.'
You thought about how many fangirls of levis would come after you now, and if posting this picture was truly a good idea.

As you posted you thought about mikasa.

Wasn't her last name Ackerman? You wondered and glanced at her, armin sat happily watching some cartoon as eren moved his gaze back to the tv, except mikasa, who was staring straight at you now.

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