22. Moving On

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Percy sighed as she placed the last of her shirts in her duffel bag quickly checking the time on the phone Leo had given her only a week ago, it wasn't completely monster-proof but it was better than nothing.

August 17

They would be here soon.

The young demigod let out another sigh, she really shouldn't be pushing this off, it was her fault as well as her choice. Yet she was still too scared to tell Jason she was leaving.
It was ironic in a way, she was too scared to tell him that she was basically doing the exact same thing he did 9 years ago, however, she knew it was necessary.

Despite herself she shivered as she thought back to that night almost a month ago, how she had relished the feeling of slaying the monsters... the darkness.
Never again, she promised.
I said that last time in The Pit.

A lone knock sounding on the hard oak door knocking her from her thoughts.
"What is it?"
The door opened slowly and Bruce stepped in.
Percy didn't miss the way he eyed the packed duffle bag.
"You need to tell Jason."
The young demigod smiled sadly at the dark-haired man. "I know."

"You know he has noticed you're more distant lately, he blames himself." Percy winced at his words. "I know that too."

The blue-eyed man let out a huff of air before crossing the room to sit at the foot of her bed. "I'm sorry for dragging you back into that. But Diana and I thought it would be good for you to get out..." he broke off, deep in thought as he thought of what to say.

"Look I know it seems I don't care for you Percy, but I do, we all do. I haven't seen Jason this happy since... Well for a long time."

Percy wasn't sure how long Bruce sat there with her in silence but at last he let out a small breath of air and disappeared through the door.
"You care and that's why I have to leave."

Only a few minutes past before another strong knock on the door sounded.
"Go away Bruce."
"Aww I'm flattered that you see me as a person of authority. I always did see myself as the strong confident leader type and-"
"Go away Dick."

She smirked to yourself as she emphasized his name, she really was a comedic genius.

"Well as much as I appreciated that warm welcome I came to let you know your brother is a sulking mess. You really need to talk to him."  Percy traced the the tattoo on her forearm, knowing full well that both of them had been right, she hadn't been fair to Jason or the rest of the Waynes.
She looked down at her small flip phone as it vibrated and read the new message that appeared.


"Hey Perce." The young demigod watched her brother for a moment from across the room.
He leaned lazily against the living room wall spinning a small switch blade around in his hands.
At first look he seemed completely fine, like it was just another day, but she saw the hurt hidden deep within his eyes.

He slowly closed the space between them, standing stiffly in front of her, getting straight to the point.
"You're staying after tomorrow right? You aren't going to whatever college you were going to go to right?"

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