15.5 Untold Tales

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Just a sort little bit from the last chapter from Jason's point of view.


Damian knew something they just didn't know what yet. They had captured the demon child about 15 minutes ago and he had yet to spill.

It started with Jason asking how Percy had been while he was gone and ended with them both deciding it was best just to ask what was up, they couldn't ask Percy for fear of triggering her... as Tim called it, spicy déjà vu, but they could ask the demon.
After all, he and Percy had been spending quite a lot of time together, or so Tim said.

Of the 15 it took nearly 10 of them to actually duck tape the Tatar tot to the punching bag, and now they were admiring their work.
"You two are insufferable! When father hears of th-" Damian's dry threats were cut short when Jason put the duck tape over his mouth, it wasn't like he was going to be talking anytime soon anyway.

It took a few minutes for the devil spawn to actually settle down.
You'd think he were threatening his life, and we aren't... at least not yet.

From the corner of his eye Jason saw Percy whip around the corner and step into the room, she eyed them for a moment before quickly turning around, making Jason smirk even more.

"Okay Damian, you ready to talk yet?" Jason asked as he roughly pulled the strip of tape off the young boys mouth, Tim snickered behind him.

"Tt Todd cut me down this instant I have nothing to tell you."
"Oh you don't now? Well..." he dramatically leaned close to Damian. "What if the rat incident were to happen again? Hm?"

The young teen's eyes widened drastically as he sucked in a ragged breath. "It was you! You took-"

"Jason! Tim! What have I told you about restraining Damian?!" The two older boys paused in their tracks and looked over to the entrance of the Gym.
Oh shit, Bruce.


"....And Tim... you can't have any caffeine for the next 8 hours."
With that sentence the teen fell to his knees, rocking back and both muttering to himself about 'his precious'.

"Wait, I can't bring my guns here for the next two weeks, and he just can't have coffee for eight hours?"

"And yet you are less effected then Tim."


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