Part 16

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Kayden's POV

"I'm sure you can understand my concern. Whatever my mates condition and how it happened, it still happened in the Half Moon Pack, your pack"
I started to get nervous at my choice of words. I felt stupid that I just told a potential enemy the title that my mate has. This was important and secret information that not even all of my pack had, it could easily be used against my favour. And especially so in the hands of this man if he isn't telling me the truth.

I was hoping he didn't catch that. Werewolves are very observant so I doubt he let my words slide. However, he didn't show any signs or reaction to the valuable information.
The man looked deep in thought but his next question could be why.

"What if you gave me a chance to represent my pack, I can prove to you how worthy of your alliance we are"
He wants to represent his pack? To come into my lands with my pack members, and into the same home where my mate recovers from that place. I don't think so, absolutely no. 'This is the best way to get information on both our mate and the Half Moon Pack. We can put guards on him and our mate to ensure her safety. And our packs safety'

I though about what Zander said and in the end, it was the best thing we could do for our mate. We needed to know more answers, about her and the pack.
"I want to meet with your members and choose a representative to come into the Blood Moon Pack and stay with me for a bit, under strict supervision and rules."

"Fine. Can you come tomorrow? The sooner the better" His words were rushed with excitement. I noted the rudeness he still had from when I first met him. Though I let it slide, I should expect without an Alpha to lead them they're more defenceless and weak. I suppose I can't blame him for making an effort to help his pack in desperate need.

"Let Beta Callin know of my arrival tomorrow. I'll be bringing my Beta with me. I won't wait for a patrol so make sure your pack knows I'll be coming"

Mia's POV

I woke up to whispers outside the room, I couldn't make out what they were saying but I was able to make out 3 different voices. Two of them were female but the other was a male. Males have always made me more nervous, many females were kind to me, but males contribute more. Like Alpha and Josh.

The people opened the door silently and I quickly sat up and bowed my head. The lights were off and I was able to see them quite clearly.

"Is she up?, I think she's sitting". They continued to whisper their conversation.

(Needle warning)

"You have to hide the syringe, it might scare her" Syringe..? Are they going to poison me? I've grown a lot of immunity over the years so it won't work very well at normal doses. I hope they know.

"Do I have to hold her down?" I heard the male say and I started to feel the fear rising rapidly. I looked up and he was indeed a large man who could easily do a lot of damage if he wanted to.

"Hopefully not, Nate says she'll be fairly cooperative if we're carful around her. Slow movements will make her feel more comfortable"

"Will she shift?"

"Nate mention he wasn't expecting much improvement so soon so I'd expect not. But we can always try I suppose. Dear, would you shift for us?" I stayed silent keeping to my training. The only response I'm to give for this question was silence. Shifting was one of the biggest rules I could break which ends very badly for me. Worse then what these wolves would do if they punished me for not following orders.

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