Part 4

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Mia's POV

I opened my eyes only excepting to see the bars of my cage but instead they where met with the beady eyes of a rat, I got startled and jumped a bit which caused me to almost howl in pain while tears brined my eyes, I closed my eyes and took shallow breaths to calm myself down and try to rid the pain that I caused myself.
Once I felt a bit better I looked to see the rat was eating my food so I let out a small bark to scare it off. I slowly inched towards my food bowl staying alert and on the ground, I saw a lot of it was gone but that's ok, I probably wouldn't be able to eat it all anyways.
I lowered my head and took one piece of kibble in my jaws at a time letting it soften before lightly chewing it so it wouldn't hurt my jaw which the alpha had kicked pretty hard.

After a while I had only eaten about 10 pieces and was both too full and sore to eat anymore, i drank a few laps of water and moved my head to the side while lowering my muzzle gently onto the cold cement. My body was so sore but I tried to ignore the pain as I licked my paws carefully, they had blisters and cuts all over them and I hoped to soothe the sting if only even a little.

The sudden urge to potty came over me and I shut my eyes tight trying to hold it in but soon I felt the wetness spread between my legs and soak into my fur. I lowered my head in shame and embarrassed then thought about the beating that was sure to come.

My head was still spinning but I tried to ignore it pushing past the pain and nausea I focused on the faint designs on my leash, it was black but had crossing lines of grey throughout the leather In many areas it was frayed and the thread was weakened, I've had the same leash probably since the beginning.

I heard the keys of the basement door rattle and I slowly got to a sitting position trying to keep my balance.
I heard the horrid sound of the door creaking open and lowered my head.
The sound of footsteps coming towards me made me shiver as I tried to stay completely still.

The man unlocked my cage and put my leash on, he patted his leg and I came to sit next to him I didn't care who he was I only focused on fulfilling my duties.
His energy suddenly turn to one of rage and I lowered my stomach until my fur touched the ground.
He must have seen the accident I made.

He started walking fast and I tried to keep up tucking my tail between my legs. He practically dragged me up the stairs then walked out the door.
If it weren't for that food I had eaten just a bit ago I don't think I'd have the energy to move my legs at this pace.
He shoved me forcefully into the snow and called over some of his friends.

They kicked me a few times in the ribs then one guy smashed his foot down onto my leg hard and I yelped out hearing a snap.
"I think maybe she'd be pretty useful at the training grounds today ya?"

"Haha make sure you bring popcorn this'll be fun to watch" I whimper, the training grounds always ends up with me having many broken bones.

One of the men grabbed my leash and started walking with his friends that followed close around.
I could only put little pressure on my leg or it would hurt to much so I think it's possibly broken, I had to limp the entire way there and they were not happy with my slow pace, they kicked me in the butt to move me forward every few steps so I would walk faster.

"Hey anyone need some help training today!?" One of the men snickered and all I wanted to do was give up right then an there as I saw all the heads turn toward my direction most gaining smirks when they saw it was me.

A crowd of teenagers rushed towards me and I flattened myself on the ground completely.

"Ok so how about we practice your hunting skills, she'll run like prey and you guys take her down does that sound good?" I heard a bunch of them say "ya" and I knew this was going to be a bad day "Ok so who wants to go first?"

I looked to see a girl with a huge smirk raise her hand as she got excited.
"I will!" She yelled out.

"Ok, Mia let's see how fast you can run you stupid mutt" he looked at me. "run!" That was one of my commands but I stupidly didn't move so he brought out one of the many remotes for my shock collar and pressed it sending a large shock through my body then kicked me after.

"Ok, let's try again" he glared at me daring me to stay still again "Run!"

I ran as best as I could with my broken leg and I soon heard heavy fast paw steps rush behind me before I felt sharp teeth sink deep into my neck and bring me down to the ground.
The girl dragged me back to the group and dropped me down in front like a dead dear carcass.

"Ok next" I didn't bother looking up as I got ready to run again huffing to get my breath and pray for more strength.

"Run!" I started running and I felt every muscle in my body protest but I kept pushing forward knowing if I didn't the man would shock me again or worse.
Shortly after running a ways I felt a body crush me to the ground definitely breaking a few of my delicate bones followed by sever pain as he raked his claws down my body, I couldn't hold back a whimper as the pain didn't stop. I felt my blood seeping through my coat as I look to see the red metallic colour seep and stain the once innocent white snow.

"Ok now let's try pouncing on our prey since it's to worthless to run fast enough"

I stood and swayed over hitting the ground with hard force.
I felt a wolf pounce at me and flip me over to claw at my stomach, the wolf locked their jaws around my neck until he released me.

After a few more kids had their turn with me for what felt like hours, they got bored and left going about with their training.
I stay unmoving in the cold snow thankful for them leaving me alone. I winced every time I took a breath even shallow ones, everything was just so painful. I felt the numbness of the snow freezing my body and was slightly relieved as some of the pain went away. I closed my eyes tight then opened them trying to focus on the now red snow around me instead of the pain but my vision was beginning to cover with black spots once again and it was becoming difficult to keep my eyes open.

I only slightly saw beta Callin walk towards me and heard him grunt in disapproval.

"Take her back to her cage and clean up this blood for gods sake, alpha Kayden is coming and we don't want him to know about her" beta Callin announced and something about his sentence or a name gave my body the smallest amount of energy but it went away as soon as it came.

I was carried limply back to my cage where the man just dumped me on the ground causing me to yip out from the pain of the impact, then kicked the dishes out of the cage and slammed the door shut locking it and just leaving.
I wish they would have just killed me, and finally end my pain, I can't wait for the day to come when they do kill me.

With thoughts of death I closed my heavy eyelids and almost immediately felt my mind go blank.

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