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Y/N's P.O.V.

I ended up staying in New York longer than I intended, but Stephen insisted he had his own training covered and the Ancient One said it was fine.
However, after a couple of weeks, I decided to return to Kathmandu.

"Welcome back, young one." The Ancient One greeted as I stood next to her in the courtyard. There were several pairs sparring in the space, but I wasn't watching my in particular.
"You'll be pleased to know that your student has excelled in his classes and is advancing quickly with his skill."

"My student?" I scoffed.
"Strange is hardly-"

"You are his teacher, are you not?" She looked at me momentarily, then back at the pair in front of us.

"Where is the good doctor? I want to see how far he's gotten without me." I sighed. I had felt a little guilty about staying in New York when I was supposed to be teaching Stephen.

"Right in front of you." She pointed at the two men fighting across the courtyard and my eyes widened considerably.
It was Stephen and Mordo sparring and only one thought raced through my mind.
When did Stephen get hot?
"You should go and say hi."

"Uhh, yeah." I cleared my throat, before going over.
"Not interrupting anything, am I?" I asked as Mordo helped Stephen up off of the ground.

"No, of course not." Mordo smiled at me.

"You're back." Stephen smirked a little.

"I am." I shrugged.
"You shaved."

"I did." His smirk widened slightly.

"Mordo, mind if I steal Dr. Strange? I want to see how far he's gotten whilst I've been gone." Stephen rolled his eyes.

"Be my guest." I walked inside, Stephen following close behind.

"So, what do you think, then?" He asked as we walked into the library.

"About what?" I asked, playing dumb.

"About what- About me, about my face!" He spoke as if it was obvious. He clearly wanted a compliment and I had to admit, it looked good.

"Who knew that the hobo was secretly a vaguely attractive sorcerer?" I asked as I sat down. He sat down opposite me, making eye contact.

"Vaguely attractive? I look better than I have in months!" He argued, making me laugh.
"I'm serious!"

"Fine- alright!" I held my hands up before leaning on the table and looking at him properly.
"Okay, yeah."

"What?" He asked, clearly confused.

"You look good, really good, actually." I complimented, causing a shocked expression to cross his features.
"It suits you."

"Oh." Was all I got in response, his cheeks dusted with pink as I got up to get a couple of books.

"Alright, Strange. Show me what you've been working on."


"Cute pyjamas. Not sure the cloak matches, though." Stephen muttered as I leaned against the doorframe to his room.

"Yeah, well, I was cold and believe it or not, he gets super jealous when I wrap a blanket around my shoulders." I laughed a little.
"I heard that you almost destroyed the time continuum last night."

"Who told you that?" Stephen asked.
"Never mind, don't answer that, I know it was Wong."

"Yep." I gave him a small smile, walking into the room.
"But I gotta admit, I'm impressed. It takes a lot of skill to be able to control the Eye. It took me many years to master it."

"You can use it?" He looked at me with wide eyes. I sat next to him on the bed.

"Yes, but I prefer not to. It's a tricky little thing and very powerful." I sighed.

"Like you?" I hit his shoulder and he laughed.
"Anyway, after Wong and Mordo kicked my ass for messing with time, they told me about the sanctums. That's where you went, right? The New York Sanctum?"

"Yeah, it's the closet thing I have to a home. I've lived there for many years." I smiled slightly, before a loud bell caught my attention. I jumped off of the bed, Stephen shouting my name as he followed me. I used a spell to change into more appropriate clothing as I ran, making it outside the doors to the three sanctums, where Wong and Mordo were already waiting.

"Kaescilius!" Mordo shouted as a sorcerer dropped dead upside the doors.
I moved to see what was happening through the doors when some kind of bomb was set off, throwing both Stephen and I back.
The Cloak of Elevation managed to shield me from most of the blast, but it still hurt.

"Stephen, get up, we have to move." I looked around, but I saw no sign of the other two. I didn't hesitate, pulling my friend into the New York Sanctum, but it seemed empty.

"Where are we?" Stephen asked as I moved towards the stairs.

"New York. Bleeker street. Let's go." He followed me up the stairs and I checked every room I could, looking for Daniel.
"He has to be here." I muttered, checking the rooms.

"Hello?" Stephen called out as we split up.

"Go with him. If you find Daniel, come and get me." The cloak followed Stephen as I searched as many rooms as I could. After a few moments, the cloak found me and quickly led me towards the front entrance.

"Stop!" Stephen yelled and my words got caught in my throat when I saw Kaescilius stab Daniel with a space shard. The cloak pulled me back, out of view as I took a few breaths, trying to process what I had just seen

"How long have you been at Kamar-Taj, Mr...?"

"Doctor." Stephen corrected.

"Mr. Doctor?"

"It's Strange." Stephen sighed, and he glanced over at me.

"Maybe. Who am I to judge?" Stephen summoned a weapon and I knew I couldn't let him fight the Zealots alone.

"Y/N?" He looked at me hopefully and I nodded, creating two shields. I moved forward, fighting one of the zealots that tried to get to Stephen and I could feel Kaescilius' eyes on me.
We were fighting for barely a few seconds, before we realised we were overpowered.
Stephen grabbed ahold of my hand.

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