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Y/N's P.O.V.

"Mordo just told me you threw Strange out?" I asked as I walked towards the Ancient One in the library.

"He is an arrogant, ignorant fool, young one." She spoke simply.
"He will never learn."

"I think he has potential." I sighed.

"I have already had this conversation with Master Mordo." She sighed.
"His arrogance, his ambition, we've seen this before, remember?"

"Kaecilius." I mumbled sadly. The former master had been a close friend of mine, before he betrayed us.

"I can't risk another-"

"Then don't." I interrupted.
"Mother, he needs our help. You used to tell me that I couldn't let my fear stop me from doing what is right, now I'm telling you the same thing." She looked at me hesitantly.
"It will be different this time, I can feel it."

"Fine." She agreed and my eyes widened, surprised it actually worked.
"But on the condition that you train him."


"He'll do the main portion of his training with me and the other masters, like everyone else, but you will be there for extra support. Training outside of classes. He'll be your responsibility." My eyes widened and she smiled.
"Teaching will be a good experience for you." She assured.
"And maybe you'll learn a few things from Mr. Strange."

"Yeah, okay. I'll do it." I agreed.

"Well, then. You better go and let him in then. He's been waiting outside for over 5 hours." I looked at her in shock, quickly leaving the library and going towards the front door.
Stephen must have been leaning on the door, because as soon as I opened it, he fell to the ground.

"Thank you." Stephen sighed as I helped him up for a second time that day. Except this time, he had been outside for hours, the sun had set and Kathmandu was cold at night.

"You're freezing." I muttered.
"Warm him up, a little." The cloak flew off my shoulders and landed on his.

"What is that?" He asked, looking at the dark material in shock.

"The Cloak of Elevation. You'll learn about it when you study Relics." I explained, walking down the hall. He followed me quietly as I led him to the room he'd be staying in.

"So I can stay?" He asked hopefully.

"Yeah, you can stay." I replied, before pushing open the door to the bedroom.
"Get some rest, meditate, the Ancient One will send for you." I explained as he placed his bag down.
I picked up the small card off the desk and handed it to him.

"What's this? My mantra?" He asked sarcastically, looking at it as I lit a candle in the dim room.

"It's the WiFi password. We're not savages." I laughed a little and his lips curled up into a small smile.
"Goodnight, Dr. Strange."

"Goodnight, Master L/N." He responded, bowing his head slightly and I did the same, before leaving him in his room alone.


"How did your meeting with the Ancient One go?" I asked Stephen as he came towards me.

"Good. I think." I nodded my head.
"Is there anywhere around here where I can study? Learn more about all of this?"

"Yeah, come on. I was about to head down towards the library anyway." I gestured for him to follow me and as soon as we made it into my favourite room, his eyes widened.

"Wow." He mumbled and I couldn't help but feel a little proud.

"Yeah. Come on, I'll get you a couple of books to get you started." We moved along the shelves, as I collected books for both of us.

"Why are you helping me so much? Not that I mind, but it's just, well, strange." He laughed awkwardly.

"The Ancient One asked me to tutor you and train you in the Mystic Arts." I explained.

"I thought that was her job?" He asked as I handed him another book.

"Well, yes, but I'm giving you more... personal training, just to help you out." I shrugged.
"The Ancient One-"

"Who is also your mother...?" Stephen interrupted and I sighed as we moved over to the table.

"Adoptive mother, yes." I confirmed.
"She took me in when I was only 7 years old, after my parents were killed."

"I'm sorry to hear that." Stephen muttered.

"They knew what they were signing up for when they became Masters of the Mystic Arts. Their problem was they tried to lead two lives. A normal one and a magic one." I sighed.
"Anyway- these books should last you a couple of days, at least."

"Thanks, yeah. Do I need to sign these out with anyone, or...?" He trailed off.

"Not this time. I'll let the librarian know which books you've taken." I sighed, opening my own book.

"Thanks. I'm just going to take these back to my room then, see you around, I guess?" I hummed, already lost in the words of the book. I conjured a pen and paper, making notes as I read.
I had been a master of the Mystic Arts for years, I was the youngest person to ever become a master, but I was still learning. I loved it, it was like my brain fed on new information.
My only issue was, once I started working, I found it difficult to stop. I had absolutely no time management skills and it wasn't great.
"Y/N?" A hand landed on my shoulder and I jumped, looking at Stephen in confusion.

"Hey- hi." I rubbed my eyes tiredly, turning in my chair to face him.
"What are you doing back here so soon?"

"What do you mean? I'm returning the books you gave me yesterday and Wong just gave me new ones... have you been here since I left?" He asked suspiciously and I cringed at the word yesterday.

"No." I lied, embarrassed I had gotten so distracted.

"You!" I turned my head to see Wong and I jumped out of my seat, almost falling over as I closed the book I was reading.

"Hi, Wong..." I smiled innocently.

"What have I said about sitting at this table?" He scolded and I felt like a naughty little kid.
The table was hidden amongst shelves and it was great if I needed a place to hide away and read.
"Y/N, how long have you been in this library for?"

"A few hours..." I muttered and he didn't look convinced. I looked at Stephen, thinking he would help me out, but it was useless.
"Fine. I've been here since yesterday lunchtime, but-"

"Go to bed." Wong instructed whilst Stephen just looked shocked.
"You can't keep hiding in the library-"

"I'm not hiding. I just get distracted and time flies." I shrugged, closing my notebook.

"Aren't you hungry? You look exhausted, but-" Stephen began.

"Thanks, Strange." I deadpanned.
"And no, I just didn't think about it." My stomach growled loudly and I sighed.
"Well, now I'm thinking about it, thanks." I sighed in annoyance, picking up a book. Wong snatched it from my hands.

"Eat something then go to bed." He ordered.
"You're an adult, you need to take care of yourself."

"I can take care of myself." I rolled my eyes and they both looked at me with looks that screamed 'really?'.
"Fine! I'm going." I raised my hands and walked away, not wanting to get myself in anymore trouble than necessary.

Dr. Strange x Reader - Daughter of the Arts Where stories live. Discover now