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"DID I PASS out?" Wren asked when she finally felt conscious enough again, though her voice was raspy. She cleared her throat. "How embarrassing." Somebody chuckled and she cracked her eyes open to see Caspian peering down at her, so close that she thought he was about to press his lips against hers. And suddenly in that moment, she wasn't opposed to the idea. "And now you're staring at me as if I just died, and it's only adding to it. Look away," she ordered, gently placing her hand into his jaw and turning his face the opposite direction.

"You almost did," he mumbled. "We had a hard time finding you under all those rocks. You'd almost been crushed to death."

"What happened?" She asked, glancing around to see many other wounded being tended to.

"We won," he replied shortly.

She frowned. "Damn. I missed the battle? I was hoping to use this." Wren pulled out the sword he'd given to her hours before. He shook his head in amusement.

"Aslan came back," he told her, gently pulling her up. His hands were surprisingly soft, and she felt the urge to run her fingertips over his palms before she mentally slapped herself. "Woke up the trees and everything. That's the only reason we weren't defeated. Nature really is amazing."

"You're awake!" Lucy rushed to her side with Susan following behind. They both gently wrapped her in a hug. "We thought we'd lost you."

"I'm glad we didn't," Susan added softly, before shoving her shoulder. "You're insane. I can't believe I actually encouraged you to go over there!"

"It was so much fun," she grinned. "I kicked a guy in the balls."

Lucy looked confused while Susan laughed, shaking her head in amusement. "Of course you'd be happy about that."

"Come on," Lucy pulled her up by the hands. "Someone's been wanting to talk to you." Curiously, Wren trailed after her, and soon, she was standing in front of a large lion, who blinked, and it almost seemed that he smiled at her approach. "Wren, this is Aslan."

She immediately widened her eyes. "Crap. Am I supposed to like come bearing gifts or something?"

Aslan let out a chuckle. "No need to worry about that. I sense you have some questions for me, yes?"

"I guess so," she shrugged, and Lucy turned on her heel to give them privacy. "It's just, this whole timeline doesn't really make sense to me."

He made a noise of understanding. "After your father changed his ways and stood up for the Narnians, he fled Narnia in fear of getting tortured by the previous king, who he had served a great amount of time for. He lived in your world for years, and eventually fell in love with your mother, and they had you. But, the king never gave up on his search for Dorian. He wanted your father dead for trechery. He went lengths to even your world to find him. This led to him fleeing when you were only a baby. He was terrified to stay in range for your safety. He left for your protection, giving your mother specific instructions to never try to contact him again. And that it was all for you."

"Suppose that's why she's always been so cruel to me," Wren mused.

"He knew you'd always be back here," Aslan went on. "He knew it was only a matter of time. Whether you'd come back to carry on the legacy he left behind or not. You belong here—you always have."

Wren swallowed. "So where is he now? My father?"

He lowered his head sadly. "I'm afraid I do not know. Whether he's returned to Narnia or stayed in your world, his location has yet to be tracked. I'm sorry."

WAR OF HEARTS ━ prince caspian xWhere stories live. Discover now