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WHEN THEY ARRIVED back at base, Peter was fighting in the arena with Miraz as an attempt to buy themselves more time. Susan looked to Wren worriedly when she realized Lucy wasn't with her, but after the explanation the brunette gave, she seemed to relax a little. Although, the tension from her shoulders had not completely gone away, because when she looked back to her brother, her face hardened.

Caspian appeared, and lightly tapped Wren's arm. She looked to him in confusion. "I have something I wish to give you."

Quizzically, Wren followed him into the cave again, watching as he shuffled through a bag, only to pull out a radiant sword. She blinked with a raised brow, confusion tugging at her chest. "Is this the part when I find out you're about to kill me?"

Caspian, surprisingly, rolled his eyes, and handed her the weapon. "While I think you're extraordinary at knife throwing, I think your daggers should be used as a back-up incase you can't get to your sword. This belonged to your father. I had my professor search for it the night we stormed the castle."

She took it from his hands, examining it in awe. It was the same blade form that her daggers were made out of. In fact, it was almost an identical design. Wren glanced to him with furrowed brows. "How did my father know to give me these daggers? I mean, he's dead, right? How did he know I'd ever come here?"

Caspian faltered. "I'm not sure. Perhaps he set aside that chest in the Kingdom of Old months before he disappeared, in hopes that you'd carry on his legacy. But I don't know for certain."

"Thank you, Caspian," she said softly, meeting his eyes. He just smiled, and nodded his head in the direction of the cave exit, gesturing for them to leave. She nodded her head, and the two walked back outside where the chaos was taking place. Wren joined the other swordsman, while Caspian stalked all the way to where Edmund was stood, at the arena where Peter was still fighting.

The battle resumed, and Peter earned himself a few jabs in his side, cracking through his armor, but he didn't hesitate to do the same to Miraz. They'd both even fallen to the ground multiple times, before Peter finally got the upper hand, and tripped the False King so that he collapsed to his knees. But Peter hesitated.

"Now is not the time for chivalry, Peter!" Wren heard Edmund yell.

"Show no mercy!" Another ordered.

But Peter turned his head to look at Caspian, just as Miraz went to attack when he wasn't looking. Peter easily dodged his jab, and managed to sink the bearded-man back onto the concrete ground. He took a few heavy breaths with his sword raised. Peter spun to offer the prince his sword. Caspian gracefully met him halfway, standing before Miraz, whose lips moved to mutter a few words that Wren couldn't hear.

And he jammed down the sword, purposely missing the older man. Wren, despite wanting to see the false king suffer for everything he'd done to the Narnians, was proud of Caspian for his noble choice. But then, everything went to hell when one of Miraz's men stabbed an arrow into his chest, and blamed it on them. Therefore, continuing the war.

"Treachery!" He accused. "They shot him! They murdered our king!"

"Lying scumbag," Wren sneered under her breath.

Dozens of heavy rocks shot out from those big wooden machines they had, creating large holes into the ground, and knocking several people over. Wren watched in horror as one of the swordsman besides her was trampled with one, and in that moment, she knew that with those slingshot things, they were doomed.

WAR OF HEARTS ━ prince caspian xWhere stories live. Discover now