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Tarran came in with Millie, carrying bags and bags of groceries. They both were giggling and kissing, so in love. I helped them unload the bags as they brought them, and we talked about all the goodies we planned to make.

"I can't believe Liam flew home for you." Millie swooned.

"I can." Tarran smiled.

"It's amazing, but I feel guilty taking him from his family too." I talked with them as I put on a pot to boil to start on eggs.

"I'm sure they're fine. Derrick isn't there either, so it's only fair." Millie hopped up on the barstool and started writing out our Thanksgiving menu.

"I figured Liam would have been back by now," I stated, thinking out loud. Then I decided to let my curiosity get the better of me. "Do you guys know a Valerie?" I turned, asking them. They both looked at each other than looking at me.

Millie answered first. "I know of a Valerie but have never met her; I'm guessing you're asking about Liam's Valerie?" My heart sunk hearing her wording.

I looked over at Tarran. "Should I know about this? I mean, I knew he was too perfect to be true." I pouted.

"Yes, it's fine! He's not perfect; no one is." She laughed. "I think Valerie was his serious girlfriend before his car accident."

"You were around during the accident?" I asked.

"Sadly, yes."

"Did you know Nick?"

"I had met him a few times. Liam was in a dark place after the wreck; he blamed himself." Tarran explained. I felt confused. Liam had not gone into a lot of detail, but I didn't understand how he could blame himself if he were not the one driving.

"That's why he doesn't drink now," Millie added, increasing my confusion.

"I'm lost." I blurted out.

"About?" Tarran moved the eggs from the heat to cool.

"I thought Nick was driving?"

"Oh." They both looked at each other again.

"Stop it! You two keep doing that, and I feel so out of the loop. Was Liam driving? Driving drunk?" I demanded to know.

"Yes, he was driving, and yes, he was drunk," Tarran stated plainly. I felt sad and hurt; he had lied to me. I'm sure he was ashamed and embarrassed, but I had opened myself up to him, meeting his family, and he left out this vital part of the story.

"He lied to me," I whispered. Before either girl could say anything, Cullen and Tuck came waltzing in the door.

"Geez, Cullen, ever heard of knocking?" Tarran heckled him.

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