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(Normally I don't do this, BUT that being said, I highly recommend listening to this song while reading this Chapter.  It just adds that extra something!  It's fine if you don't, but I think it'll be even better if you do!  Happy reading!!)

Cullen's POV

"Don't be nervous; you know she's going to say yes." Tarran gave me a big hug as she prepared to hide upstairs.

"I hope so.

God, I feel sick." I paced around. "Thank you for helping me, sis, you too, Millie and Derrick."

"We got you, man!

Stacia says they're on the way, so we better hide." Derrick laughed. They all gave me a thumbs up and a smile as they headed upstairs, just as Liam came rushing through the door.

"Sorry, I know, I'm running late. Did I miss it?" He huffed.

"No man, barely in time, get your ass up there." I pointed to the steps.

Liam hadn't been my favorite person. In the last few years, though, he had been an amazing friend to her and helped her when she needed it, and it couldn't be me. So, for that reason, I considered him a friend now too.

Once they were all upstairs, I made my way out back to check that everything was in place and perfect.

Avery had always talked about having a backyard with garden lights, fairy lights, and patio furniture.

She dreamed of fun barbeques with friends and summer nights sitting out looking at the stars. So, over the last few days, Tarran, Millie, Derrick, Stacia, and even Liam had been helping me plan out a perfect proposal in our backyard.

The twinkle lights strung across the patio and over through the pergola. I had purchased and set up a set of patio furniture, complete with a swing hanging off to the side. I built a small path of pebble gravel to a garden area with a small pond and fountain. I had arranged lights along the way that gave the appearance of fireflies. A firepit was set up off from there. I smiled, looking around, feeling confident in what I had created. By the little pond, I had set the small box containing the ring and sprinkled white rose petals all around. The patio area was perfectly adorned with all of her favorite flowers, thanks to Tarran and Millie. 

 If she didn't love this, I would be devastated.  If she didn't say yes, I would be even more devastated. Right now, though, I couldn't focus on that. I took my place and took a deep breath. I saw car lights pull into the drive, and I knew it was go time.

Avery's POV

"I have to pee so bad it's insane." Stacia groaned as we walked into the house. I shook my head; she was a pregnant diva at probably less than twelve weeks pregnant. She started toward the steps, and I stopped her.

"There's a bathroom down here, ya know."

"I need the extra steps; work off that ice cream. Hey, I think Derrick said they were putting up something out back." She said before hurrying up the steps. I couldn't help but laugh. I looked around and saw that the guys had put almost everything into the proper place. I walked through the kitchen area, looking around. I had seen Tarran's car, Liam's car, and Derrick's jeep still here. But where was everyone?

I stepped around the kitchen island and noticed lots of twinkling lights outside. I could hear the faint sound of music and figured they all must be taking a break out there. I pulled open the sliding door, immediately feeling the butterflies in my stomach. I could hear Surrender playing, one of my favorite songs that I had told Cullen reminded me of us. As I looked up, I saw a beautifully set up patio with lights, furniture, and a swing.

These were all of the things that I had mentioned to Cullen about wanting someday for our patio. I shook my head with a smile, already feeling tears building. I followed the pebble path with firefly lights until I saw him, my heart stopping when I did. My Cullen, standing there by a peaceful pond, wearing a white button-down, sleeves rolled up, and black dress pants. My favorite look on him. I shook my head side to side when our eyes made contact. He smiled, God, that smile. My heart was beating again, faster and faster with every step I took on the rose petal path straight to him.

"Cullen?" I croaked out, trying desperately to hold back the tears.

He took a step forward, reaching his hand out to me. I could feel my body already reacting to him. The moment my hand fit into his, I was on fire. A few stray tears slid down my cheeks. "What are you doing?" I whispered, not able to take my eyes off him.

"Averland Grace Merrick." He started, his voice quivering with nerves. "The moment I saw you in that café so long ago, you went straight to my heart.  I knew right then that in some way, somehow, you were going to be a huge part of my life. I had no idea it would lead here, and I'm so damn thankful it has." He paused, taking a breath. The tears were now flowing steadily; I kept blinking them back so I could see this beautiful man before me.

"I've known since our Hawaii adventure that I wanted this. I wanted this with you. You are my stars, the moon, the sun, and the sea for me. You're everything. You're the strongest woman I've ever known, you keep me on my toes, and you take care of me.  The love you give me, Avery, is like nothing I've ever known and nothing I will ever know from anyone else. You always put everyone before yourself, and while that's a loveable quality, it's your turn Ave." With those words that he was choking out, he kneeled on his left knee. He held out a small black box, and I could see his hands shaking. His strong hands, shaking as he held it out to me.

"Let me put you before everyone else; let me take care of you. I surrender to this love you give me, and I hope you can surrender to the love I give you. Will you make me the happiest and luckiest man on this planet and marry me?" As he spoke those last sentences, I could see the tears dripping down his handsome cheeks. He shakily opened the black box, revealing a gorgeous princess cut diamond.

I went to answer him, but only my sobs escaped. I kneeled across from him, grabbing his face in my hands. 

"Cullen. My Cullen.  I want nothing more than to be your forever and for you to be mine." I couldn't stand it any longer, and I crashed my lips into his, kissing him with every bit of love I could put into it. He stood, lifting me with him; I wrapped my legs around him, holding him so tight.

"So, that's a yes?"  He chuckled through his tears.

"It's a hell yes!!"  I cried. He sat me on my feet, getting back on one knee, taking the ring, and slowly placing it on my finger as our song played in the background on repeat.

My heart was feeling so full that I wondered if it could burst from so much happiness and love.

"I love you, Avery.  God, I love you so much." He stroked my cheek, peppering my face with soft kisses before holding my face in his hands. I stood on my tiptoes, wrapping my arms around his neck again, nuzzling into his muscular body, feeling safe, happy, and loved beyond measure. We went in for one more deep, lust, and love-filled kiss. Making my entire body tingle. When we pulled back, I saw him nod toward the house; I turned to see all of our friends and family standing on the patio, wiping tears, smiling, and cheering.

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