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*Nine months later...* 

Marie felt at home in the Shinganshina district. The elderly couple that takes care of her had learned her how to play the piano and the guitar. Marie, Armin, Eren, and Mikasa were outside all day every day. Every day was peaceful and a lot of fun. For Marie, it was a completely different lifestyle compared to the underground. 

"Rose, Range, can I go outside, I know it's almost dinner time but I want to see my friends again," Marie asked.

"Well, you are allowed to go but be home at around five okay?" Range said.

"Yeah sure." Marie walked out of the door and ran to the pier where they always hung out.

"Hey, guys!" Marie waved at her friends while Armin looked a little beat up.

"Were it those bullies again?" Marie asked.

"Yeah, they picked on Armin again for wanting to go outside the walls," Eren said. "Tch. I don't understand what's wrong with wanting to go outside the walls." Eren said irritated as he threw a rock into the water.

"It's because these walls have brought peace for over a hundred years," Armin explained. "They are afraid that if we venture outside the walls that they will come in..."

"That's our life we're risking, so It's our business!" Eren said angrily.

"You can't." Mikasa randomly spoke up.

"Come think of it, Why did you tell my parents?" 

Marie could feel that Eren's energy was growing annoyed.

"Are you talking about the survey corps?" Marie asked.


"I really want to join the survey corps. My family is in the survey corps and I haven't seen them in so long. And just seeing the outside world is a motivation for me." Marie explained passionately.

"Your family is in the Survey Corps? My parents weren't happy when I told them that I wanted to join the survey corps." Eren said disappointed.

"I bet... But you're right. I wonder about those who think staying inside the walls will protect us forever. Just because the walls haven't been breached in a hundred years doesn't mean they won't be breached today." Armin explained.

Then a huge rumbling came and they got shot into the air by it.

"What!" Marie yelled.

They fell back on the ground and Armin looked at a group of people who were staring at the walls. Armin got up and ran to the group of people when he suddenly froze in his place.

"What's wrong? What can you see?" Eren asked Armin. 

They all looked up and saw a huge hand on top of the wall.

"No way..."  They all thought.

Then a huge skinless face came above the wall.

"That wall is fifty meters high! A normal titan can't get above it." Armin said shocked.

"It's them! A titan!" Eren said shocked.

The wall got blown out by the titan and rocks came flying their way. 

"Guys... We need to go!" Marie yelled.

"My... House is over there... My mom!" Eren ran away with Mikasa following behind.

"Armin, let's go!" Marie grabbed Armin's arm as they ran away.

They ran as fast as they could when Marie was about to pass her house.

"Armin go ahead! I'll be fine, don't worry." Marie let go of his arm and ran to her house. 

She saw a huge boulder on top of their house but Range and Rose were standing outside.

"Marie! We need to go to the inner gate!" Range yelled.

Marie nodded but suddenly froze in her tracks. 

She pointed to the elderly couple but there wasn't anything wrong with them so Rose and Range turned around. A huge Titan was walking towards them while bumping into a few houses. The houses collapsed and rocks were flying everywhere.

"We need to run!" Rose yelled as she grabbed Marie's hand.

"Rose! did you bring anything from the house?!" Range asked while running next to her.

"Your book, Marie's drawing of her family and her baby blanket," Rose said as she held her little bag in front of Range's face.

"Thank goodness..." Marie whispered.

They then heard some rumbling and they turned around. The huge Titan started running, knocking some houses over along the way. Rocks came flying towards them and Rose let go of Marie while pushing the little bag in her hands. 

"Run! Marie! Run!" Rose yelled and Marie nodded while hooking the bag onto her jacket.

"I love you!" Marie screamed and she turned around and ran. Tears started streaming down her face as she looked at what was happening around her.

"Levi, Furlan, Isabel... Save me. Please..."

She heard a scream behind her and saw that Range was in the Titan's mouth and that Rose was about to get crushed by a rock.

"ROSE!" Marie screamed in agony but it was too late. Rose got crushed by the rock and little pieces of the rock broke off and came flying towards her.

"No..." That was all that Marie said before two pieces of the rock hit her throat and head. She fell over as she felt her blood coming from her head and throat. She tried to scream but she choked on blood.

"It's useless... I can't speak... My throat has been crushed and I am about to go unconscious. I never get to see Levi, Isabel, or Furlan again... This is it..."  Marie thought.

When she was about to fall unconscious she felt someone pick her up. She felt the wind, meaning that she was flying. She slightly opened her eyes and saw a green cloak with the wings of freedom on it. 

"You're lucky that I stayed in the Shiganshina district little one. I'll take you with me to a safe spot in-wall Rose." A voice said.

Marie looked up and she saw a person with glasses and brown hair before darkness took over. 

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