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A/N: I'll be updating this story every Saturday at 20:00 CET. Almost every chapter will have an average amount of between 1200-2000 words.

"Kenny-san! I heard that Kuchel had died. But she's not alone!" One of Kenny's men said.

"Not alone? Don't tell me..."

"Oi! Take care of the money," Kenny yelled to his men as he walked to the brothel.

"Did she have another kid? Wasn't the other brat enough? I could teach the brat how to fight if it's old enough. Why didn't she go to the upper ground? She had the chance."

Kenny got to the entrance of Kuchel's room and took a deep breath. He opened the door and the smell of death immediately took over. Kenny looked at Kuchel and sighed.

"looks like she expired..." He scanned his eyes around the room and found a little baby or toddler on a pillow, holding a blanket. The kid had electric blue eyes and black hair.

Kenny walked to the kid while it stared at him. The blanket had its name and birthday embroidered in it.

"Marie..." Kenny whispered. he looked at her birthday and figured she was two years old.

"Oh man I can't take care of a child... especially if it's this young... I'll take her to an orphanage or something..."

Kenny lifted the child and held her in his arms. She didn't say a thing and just let Kenny touch her. She didn't let go of the blanket either and Kenny walked out of the room, leaving Kuchel there.

Everyone stared at him as he walked on the streets. Hee made his way to an alley where there was this girl with red hair and two pigtails. Kenny wanted to ignore her but she walked up to him.

"Uhm... Sir? Is that kid yours? I've seen you around, dealing with other people but I've never seen you with a kid. You're Kenny right?" She stared at Kenny with a look of determination.

"Yes, I am. I'm taking the brat to an orphanage. Now mind your business kid." He thought of the red-haired girl as annoying.

"But sir! The orphanage is horrible! It's even worse than living on the streets in the underground!"

"So what? You have a better idea?" This girl was getting on Kenny's nerves but she was right. The orphanage is horrible but a two-year-old girl is in no state of living on the streets alone.

Marie didn't cry or say anything, she was just quiet. The redhead was staring at him and finally said something.


"Oi kid. No need to be this loud. How old are you?"

"I'm 15 and my name is Isabel." She had a look filled with determination.

Kenny sighed. "Well if u insist..." He handed over Marie and Isabel's eye started to sparkle.

"How cute! Where'd you find her?" Isabel looked up to see Kenny but he already left.

"Huh? Man, he's not nice!"

she looked down at the child and she held a blanket with her name and birthday embroidered on it.

"Marie... Oh, she's... TWO? I NEVER EXPECTED HER TO BE THIS OLD! SHE LOOKS SO SMALL!!" She stared at Isabel with her beautiful electric blue eyes. "Oh shit... I might have been too loud.. what if she cries?!"

Isabel expected Marie to cry but she didn't. She opened her mouth and quietly said: "Girl." As she pointed at her.

"Oh- She spoke."

"That's right. I am a girl but my name is Isabel."

"I...Isa....b..el." Marie said.

"Whoa- to talk about a quick learner." Isabel softly tickled the kid and she smiled.

"Now... Let's get home."

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