Arc 3: chapter 63

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Elenor was stuck in bed, groaning in pain and regretting her life decisions. She really should have stopped at the third bottle of wine. Now it was biting her ass with a massive headache pounding against her head.

Luckily when she woke up she had already puked out all the contents in her stomach until she was drained of life. Alec even had to carry her back to the bed before bringing some warm soup for her.

Mumbling a thank you, she slowly drank the soup blessing whoever had created it. She wordlessly finished her soup in which Alec swiftly cleaned the bowl up just as she took her last spoon of soup.

Another moment of silence passed before she had the energy to speak, "Where are they?"

"They had left around late morning, it is now late afternoon."

Elenor nodded, regretting that she wasn't able to see them off. She placed her head on the pillow once again but she couldn't fall asleep for some particular reason. Her gaze fell on Alec and continued to linger on him until he began walking over to her.

Something was different. She could feel it. It was like a gut feeling that kept persisting stubbornly. Elenor debated with herself and not long after, she spoke again,

"Did I..." she halt her sentence, looking around nervously, licking her lips before continuing,

" anything last night?" she asked, peering over at Alec.

What she hoped that Alec would say, "No you did not." never arrived and instead silence fell.

Her face grew pale, understanding what that silence meant. She truly did something while she was drunk! And what's worse was that she couldn't remember! Panic fell over her, wondering what she had done.

"But you have told me to help you remember the events of yesterday." Alec spoke up, easing her panic.

She turned to him and nodded, "Well? Tell me!"

Alec contemplated before replying, "It is better to show instead of telling."

Elenor gawked at him, puzzled. Alec let out a breathy chuckle before leaning down, placing a small peck on her lips. He moved back to his original position and calmly spoke as if he had done nothing.

"That happened."

She absentmindedly stared at him before everything settled in. In a flash, her face grew red as if she was drunk once again. No words were able to come out of her mouth as she gawked at Alec with shocked eyes.

She had kissed him when she was drunk.

At this moment, she wanted to dig a hole for herself and stay there like a mole in hiding. She sobbed in her heart at how embarrassing she was. Alec allowed her to calm herself before he said more.

"Milady also said that a drunk person's words are always the truth and she also said she loved this butler of hers."

Elenor glared at him with her face extremely red. He was teasing her and she couldn't fight back. Alec had a small smirk on his face before taking one step closer to her.

"When I asked if milady would take back everything she had done, she said never." he side eyed at her before smiling.

"Which means milady must take responsibility for her actions."

Elenor gulped, looking away, "What..what do you want me to do?"

"I would like you to answer a few of my questions truthfully."

"..Okay." she agreed, nodding at his request.

A smile was shown shortly before he began asking her questions,

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