Arc 2: Chapter 31

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Alec returned back to working after having a break for a couple of days. Elenor wasn't going to say it out loud but she was worried about him. What if this made him distance himself further? Maybe he was angry at her because she forced him to take some time off but all her worries were blown away once he returned.

Instead he seemed to be closer than ever?

"Good morning milady, it's time to wake up." he greeted her.

"Huh...? Alec?" she groggily spoke, still half asleep.

Alec pulled the curtains open, letting the sunshine peek into her room. Elenor was still sleepy so she didn't move just yet, only staring blankly at the wall. He walked back over to her and brushed her messy hair down.

"You need to get ready Elenor." he calmly spoke.

"Five more minutes.." she mumbled about to fall back down on her pillow when she felt arms around her neck and legs.

Before she could voice out her displeasure, she was carried out of the bed by Alec and gently placed down on the couch. Then in cue, her maids came into the room and got her dressed. Elenor blanked out the whole time she was being dressed and only snapped back when she was done and out of her room.

On her way to the dining hall for breakfast, she glanced over at Alec who was walking beside her. Usually he would walk behind her but today was different. Elenor didn't mind however, she liked it when he walked beside her.

"How was your break?" Elenor asked, wanting to create a conversation.

She was curious about what he had done over his break. Alec turned to her and showed her a small smile.

"Nothing much milady,"

"Oh I see.." Elenor didn't know what else to say so she decided to keep her mouth shut all the way to the dining hall.

Upon reaching, Alec picked up his pace and pulled the chair out for her. Elenor nodded and sent him a small thanks before sitting down. Once everyone arrived and took a seat, breakfast began like usual until Richard spoke.

"Elenor, did you know there is a new show playing in the theatre?" he asked, turning over to her.

Elenor shook her head but was interested in what he wanted to say. "No I don't brother. Why do you ask?"

Richard let out a sigh before grumpily taking a bite of his food, "That prince asked me to ask if you would like to watch with him tomorrow."

"He did?"

He nodded, "Yes. If you like to go, I will inform him about it. I hope you don't though." he muttered the last part but it was still loudly enough for her to hear.

Elenor let out a small laugh before thinking over it. If she did go with Lloyd that would mean she would have to sit beside him. She didn't mind that but the main problem was that he was in the royal seating area so, if he brought her along she would have to sit there as well.

Elenor decided it was better to decline the offer. It was the safer option anyway.


"Don't worry, I made him promise that if you do agree, he would have to sit in the noble area not the royals."

"I would like to go!"

Hearing that gave Elenor a lot of relief and instead accepted the invitation. It was going to be the first time she ever watched a play here! Richard could see the excitement in her eyes and couldn't help but smile.

"Next time, I'll bring you to one instead of the prince." he said, patting her head.

Elenor smiled and nodded, "That's a promise brother."

The Author Who Became A VillainessOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora