14 | stay with me

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When I get back to my dorm, I realize I only have half an hour to get to dance class. Throwing my backpack on the floor, I rifle through it and find my planner. Today's page is filled with seemingly hundreds of assignments due in the coming days. Then right after dance, I'm going to eat dinner with Jack, which is probably the only thing that I'm looking forward to today.

But when he leaves, I'll probably be up for several hours doing homework.

On top of that, I feel like shit — physically and mentally. My head is killing me, I feel unusually tired, and I seem to sneeze every five seconds. All I want to do is lie down and sleep for a few days. Oh, and my nose is running like a bitch.

I throw myself onto my bed and scream into my pillow. My throat is burning by the time I'm done, and I don't feel any better. If anything, my head feels even worse. I take a few deep breaths, then scream some more. And more. And more.

It's times like this when I'm thankful for a single-person dorm.

When I'm officially screamed-out, I sit up on the edge of my bed, smooth out my shorts, then pull out my phone. For a second, I consider texting my Mom or Dad but decide against it. I don't want to worry them or pull their attention away from Dani.

I just feel like there's not enough time in the day. I open my text conversation with Jack.

Raincheck on dinner?
I'm sorry :(

Why? I bought dino
nuggets for us

I'm just having
a rough day

And I feel and look
like absolute shit

Those three dots pop up on his side of the conversation, then they disappear. Seeing this, I flatten myself against my bed again and scream into my pillow some more. Then I just lay there for what seems like forever, contemplating life and trying to hold myself together.

When there's a knock at my door, I let out a final scream into my pillow and get up to answer it. My heart melts when I open the door and see Jack looking down at me. He's dressed in his practice clothes, and his basketball backpack is slung over one shoulder. He's holding a frozen bag of dino nuggets in his hand.

"Jack, you didn't have to come," I say. But I hope he can hear how happy I am that he is here. Jack smiles and comes in. Before doing anything, he places his hands gently on the side of my head and kisses me on the forehead. I wrap my arms around him.

"I came to make you feel better," he says into my hair. "Is it working yet?"

"Maybe just a little bit," I say, resting my head against his chest. I breathe in. "Your clothes smell kinda sweaty."

He laughs and kisses the top of my head. "You like it, don't lie."

"I admit to nothing," I say. "I think I got some snot on your shirt." Then I let go of him and sit back on my bed. Jack sets down his stuff and joins me. Instead of just sitting next to me, he leans against my headboard and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me toward him until my back is against his chest. I lean my head back against his shoulder.

"When'd you learn to skateboard?" He asks, looking at the longboard propped up in the corner of my room.

"I just kind of . . . learned," I say absentmindedly before sneezing. I turn my head to look at him. I don't elaborate, and Jack silently understands that there's something weighing heavily on me. From all the years of knowing me, he knows how to read my emotions, maybe better than my own family.

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