32 | to new heights

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I press my fingers to my temples, taking a deep breath and focusing on the blank document in front of me. I have ten hours to write a fifteen-page essay, and my brain isn't cooperating, to say the least. I lean back in my chair, stretching.

My phone buzzes on my desk. I grab for it immediately, not knowing who I'm expecting to text me. It's Levi.

Meet me at the Bunker
in twenty

And he says I'm demanding. I scoff, already typing out my response.

And if I don't?

Then I guess it's
your loss

I set down my phone, resisting the urge to pick it back up. I need to work on this essay. But my mind is already straying, thinking of everything that Levi might have planned. My phone is back in my hand before I can control myself.

I'm busy

Doing what?

Writing an essay

When's it due?


Great, we have
ten hours


Come on. I can be your
perfect distraction

I look back at my empty document. I set down my phone and start to type my name in my top left corner. Then I write the title of my essay in the center.

There. Now, I haven't done nothing, and I think I deserve a break.

I shut my laptop and start getting ready.

It feels weird walking into The Bunker without a security guard taking my cover charge or a line of people wrapping around the building. Levi told me to meet him here, but he didn't specify exactly why here. I'm pretty sure the place isn't even open this early in the day.

When I reach the end of the hallway, I see that the place is pretty much empty, except for the band on stage. I immediately spot Levi sitting on a speaker, closing a bottle of water and laughing at something that his bandmate said. I stand in place for a few seconds, suddenly feeling awkward.

"Levi," one of his bandmates Roman says, looking over at me. Once he has Levi's attention, he nods toward me. "I think she's yours."

Levi notices me and steps off the stage. "Hey," I say as he approaches, realizing that his bandmates are watching us intently. I recognize Lauren—Levi's roommate that let me into their apartment after Thanksgiving. I wonder if Levi has told them anything about me. "Are you guys practicing or something?"

"Yeah, the owner of this place lets us in a few hours before we have to play," he explains. He takes my hand and nods his head the stage. "Come on, I wanna show you something."

"Your stash of stolen women's underwear?"

He laughs. "Of course not. I keep those back at my apartment. I'll show you that another time."

"Levi," Lauren calls, pulling a bag over her shoulder, "we're heading to grab something to eat. Lock up when you leave, 'kay?"

Lauren tosses him a set of keys, and Levi says goodbye to them. Then he leads me onto the stage, picking up his guitar from his stand.

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