Chapter 49

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👑 Mia 👑

It's the next morning and I feel better than yesterday. I try to move but Leon's arm is blocking me from moving. He brings me closer to his chest and puts his head in my neck.

"Morning mon trésor." He says with that husky voice that sends me to a pretty place.

"Morning. Leon, we need to get ready for work." I say still trying to get out of his hold.

"Amante stop moving. We are not going to work today."

"Amante? Now a new nickname so tell me the meaning of mon trésor."

"Neverr" he says and moves on top of me kissing and tickling me.

"Leon stop please." I say laughing.

My phone starts to ring. "Uff why should everyone stop us every single time?"

"Well, it wouldn't be us if it didn't. Now move I need to pick it up." he's still on top of me but this time he put arms on the side of my head and held him up.

"Seriously Leon you are such a kid sometimes." I move my legs from between his legs to around his waist and my arms to his neck. Taking him by surprise I push him down and quickly get up before he understands what I did. I pick my phone from the nightstand and it's an unknown number.


"Hi, am I talking with Miss.Miller?"

"Yes, this is she. Do you mind me asking who is this?"

"Oh, finally I reached you. I'm Nina Philips your wedding planner. Well since you've been gone for weeks now I have tried calling and emailing you but it seems that you aren't responding. I even called your office but nothing. Well, we better start planing but before I need the date that you and Mr.King decided. I need you to go try a dress so you can get an idea of what you would want to look like at your wedding. Also, I'll send you some available venues. Now when's the wedding?"

"I'm really sorry I need to get going cause I'm in a very important meeting but I'll call you later and we can discuss these things later. Byeee" I say and look at Leon who's already looking at me.

"You're in a meeting huh? Who was that?"

"Just my boyfriend I hanged him up 'cause you are in here and I didn't want to blow my cover but I guess I should tell you cause I love him and I'm using you for money."

I swear I don't know how he's a billionaire or even a CEO. He's such a baby and to think that people spread rumors about him being ruthless and arrogant. To me, he's just a big jealous baby. He gets up from the bed and walks to the bathroom. I walk behind him.

"Leon are you serious?" but nothing.


"WHAT?" he yells.

"Ohh you big fat jealous baby. That was Nina OUR wedding planner. She was talking really fast and telling me that I have to go somewhere to try a dress and the whole venue. And we don't even have a date so what could I say? Look we haven't picked our date cause we started this whole thing as a fake wedding but now we decided to try it out. I can call her and tell her this if you want. Now stop being jealous I promise I don't have a boyfriend either I did before getting together with you and even before you were even in the picture. Neither did a guy show me that he was interested in me so you have nothing to be worried about."

"Stop lying to me." he says calmingly


"You have guys throwing themselves to you or you are just that blind to notice. I hate the fact people do not know that you are my fiancé. I have to pretend most of the time and close one eye as they flirt with you or look you up and down."

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