Chapter 44

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👑 Mia 👑

The car is filled with silence. Chris and Nessa are sleeping the best part is that she has her head landed on his shoulder and his head on top of hers. They look so cute together. I take out my phone and quickly snap a picture. Leon is too busy on his phone like always but okay. I look up at Matt who's looking out the window. He looks down at me and we smile for a second then we turn our attention to the scenery outside. I lean to his shoulder and he leans into me. As we pass through the Eiffel Tower I move closer to the window and admire the tower looking at the shining lights. I promise to visit it before we leave France. We drive for a little more and arrive at our hotel. I shake Nessa and Chris and they woke up immediately. They realized their position and moved quickly away from each other without saying a word.

We get out of the car and I look up to see the hotel sign "Le Meurice". It sounds really fancy and by the looks of it, it looks so too. We get inside and a girl about Leons' age or even younger approaches us next to her a middle-aged man. I look at the girl up and down and she's gorgeous. She has voluminous brown hair and by the looks of it, she has green eyes. 

"Mr. King so nice to see you again." Said the man.

"Mr. Beaumont so good to see you again. And Claudette nice to see you too." He said to them.

"Well you can catch up tomorrow dear Mr. King and his friends must be tired from the fight. Like always we reserved your usual suite "Belle Etoile" now go on have a good night's sleep. We businessmen need our sleep so go on.

"We'll talk to you both in the morning." he takes the room key from him and we all get inside the elevator. The doors open and we get out as well. Leon opens the doors and we all get in. The two boys (Chris and Matt) jump into the couch and Nessa jumps after them. I look around and this is definitely not just a suite this is a penthouse well I will explore this tomorrow. I go to see the kids that are laying on the couch. I see them all sleeping. I feel someone behind me and the only person who's left is my sweet fiancé. I turn to him but he moves without looking at me or saying something. He moves to the guys shakes them up and they wake up. He says something to them and they both get up say good night and go down the hall. This time he moves to Vanessa he does the same thing to her but more gently. She gets up and kisses me on the cheek and goes down the hall.

I'm confused about what did he said to them and where are they going. He moves behind me and I need to get some answers even at 3:00 am. Leon opens a door and I guess he knows that I'm following him cause he left the door open for me. I get inside the room and close the door behind me. He opens his luggage when did he bring the luggage in. Well whatever, I need to get answers. I stand in his way and look up to him while he looks at me then looked away.

"Leon, do you think that I'm standing here for fun?"

"I don't know maybe if you're bored go to Matt's room cause maybe he will keep you entertained. Now for the plan that we made, I'm going to let this slip so go on. His bedroom is the third door to the left. Now if you'll excuse me I'm taking a shower." He says and moves me away.

"What do you mean?"I look confused at him "Please tell me that you're joking. Are you really jealous of Matt?" he stops and looks at me. I on the other hand move to him.

"Well, my dear fiancé you have nothing to be jealous of especially from Matt. It's true that I love him but in a brotherly way. Now, what about Claudette she seemed nice."

"Well, mon trésor she's nothing compared to you. She's more of a business partner than even a fling. By the way, she's Mr. Beaumonts' daughter. So yeah you have nothing to worry about." He says while taking one of the robes. "You look cute when you get jealous. And just to add I prefer blonds." he says and winks as he closes the bathroom door.

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