Chapter 16: Close to the end

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I recovered within a few days time. It still hurt to lay all of my body weight onto my paw, but somehow I managed. Gibbs had been going back and forth to work, without me. So most of my time pertained to eating and sleeping.

Today was like any other day. The old tv that played only black and white films, talked as I lay on my bed. The occasional sound of a car engine would pass by waking me from my light slumber. After awhile I had given up on sleeping and decided to take a stroll to the kitchen.

I stood up, and winced. I haven't really gotten used to the pain. I slowly walked to the kitchen and lapped up some cold water from the metal dish Gibbs had left out. He had even put a slice of turkey in my food dish, but I knew there was a foreign object stuffed inside.

Another roar of an engine approached,but this one was different. I could hear it pull into the driveway and shut off. I looked to the timer on the stove. It was still to early for gibbs to be home. Turning away from the stove and cautiously left the kitchen and stood in the living room staring at the door.

My ears perked straight up, listening for any sign of a prescence. The car door opened and slammed shut, then another right after. At this point I was nervouse and ready to pounce on anyone who came thru the door. Gibbs never locked his front door, I never understood why though.

Footsteps clogged up to the door and the handle began to move. I lowered my head and let out a low growl. The door began to open, as my adrenaline rose quickly. I barked viciously when a figure appeared around the enterance.

"Easy rogue it's just me" a familiar voice spoke out. I lifted my head and finally got a good look at who the intruder was.

Tony? I cocked my head confused as to why he was here.

Another figure appeared beside him.

Ziva? Now I was really confused.

"Hey girl" she greeted. I ignored her and my eyes fell upon the small kennel she was currently holding.

"Gibbs was right, she is looking better" Ziva stated, before shutting the door.

"Ya"Tony replied. My eyes stayed glued upon the crate and tony finally noticed.

"Ziva the crate" he stated, looking to her. She smiled and set it down onto the hardwood floor. A small whine came from it, causing my ears to perk up. Ziva opened the door and took a step back. I peered at the door, confused as to what was inside.

Then a tiny paw stepped out and into the light, followed by another. Until a familiar face appeared.

"Peanut?" I whined. Peanut looked to me and instantly began to wag is tail.

"Rogue!" He barked. He ran over to me and rubbed against my leg. I forgot all about the pain in my paw and pranced around him.

"Wh-? H- How are you here?" I stuttered excitedly. He barked happily and began to bounce around as well.

"I don't know!" He replied.

"Lets head back to work" Tony spoke, leaving the empty crate on the floor and opening the door. Ziva smiled at us before following tony outside, making sure to shut the door behind her.

"What happened?" I asked, calming down a bit and taking a sit. Peanut did the same and began his story.

"I was taken to this weird place, they poked and prodded me with needles. I was terrified, but after a couple of days I started to feel better. I even got fatter" he laughed. I chuckled and listened intently. "Others were there as well. Everyone was being treated so kindly. One morning, when one of the doctors came to give me my food, I over heard him talking about someone wanting me. Today, Tony and Ziva came and brought me here"

"I'm just glad your safe, I was worried" I spoke, my smile fading.

"I'm ok, really" he replied, standing up and walking over to me. He nuzzled into me fur and let out a sigh. I felt something I haven't felt in a long time. Love. I had to protect Peanut with all my life.

"Let me show you around" I offered. Peanut lifted his head from my fur and smiled.

"Okay" he replied. I took him to the bottom of the stairs and told him that was where gibbs slept. Then we traveled to the kitchen and I showed him the door to the backyard and the bowls.

"Thats it. It's not much but its home" I spoke. He looked around admiring everything like a puppy on Christmas day.

"What about that door?" He asked walking to the door in the kitchen.

"Thats umm...thats the door to the....basement" I replied, trying to hide my fear.

"Whats down their?" He asked, turning back to me.

"I don't know, I've never gone down there"I replied as I walked out of the kitchen. I layed back down on my bed and focused my attention onto the tv. I could hear peanuts paws tacking from the kitchen to the living room.

He walked over to me and sat down in front of my face. He tapped one of his small paws on my large nose and stared at me. "Whats wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing" I replied, ignoring his paw. He tapped me again and lowered his face to mine.

"Are you scared of that door?" He asked. I raised my head and looked down at him.

"I'm a ruthless killer, why would I be scared of wood?' I asked. He laughed and placed both paws on my muzzle lifting his long body from the ground.

"Your not a killer" he replied.

"Im not?"

"No, your a fluffy teddy bear" he stated, with a smile. I rolled my eyes and lowered my head back down, along with peanuts body.

"Whatever you say" I smiled. He grinned and took his paws off my muzzle. He walked fo the side of me and nudged my head. I picked it up and he flopped down across my two front legs. I smiled down at him as he closed his eyes.

I layed my head gently over his body, as a blanket of protection. And not long after he was asleep I to was off to dreamland.

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