Chapter 7: A What!? (Has been Revised)

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Cody stayed in the back of my mind for the rest of the day, as I lay at Gibbs feet under his desk. The small opening under the desk allowed me to watch the agents feet as they hustled around the bullpen. All this activity made me bored, I rose from my spot and ventured out from underneath the desk. I wanted to go for a walk, so I started forward, but was quickly stopped by a light tug on my leash. I turned to see Gibbs looking at me and shaking his head.

"This is so not fair" I growled, but he ignored my sounds and continued working. I looked over at Cooper who was asleep in front of Zivas desk.

"Hey" I whispered to him, he didn't move. I sighed and sat down, still bored I occupied my time with chewing on the lead that held me to the desk. I was halfway through it when a large smack came down onto my head. Startled,I jumped and growled loudly.

"Hey! Knock it off" Gibbs said sternly. I glanced up at him sending him a death glare.. He must have noticed because he gave me one right back. I ignored him and started pacing back and forth with the little slack that I had. My blood was boiling and I started to feel light headed, the same emotions that rose at the park were beginning to surface and I couldn't control it.

I snapped my jaw and shook my coat, but the feelings wouldn't leave. I heard Coopers tags clink together as he stood up and took a guarding stance.

"Cooper, what's wrong?" Ziva asked. She stopped working and looked down at him confused. She followed his gaze to me, the crazy one. I started to foam at that mouth and my head was pounding.

"Uh..boss?" Ziva spoke, worriedly as she slowly stood up still keeping her eyes on me. Gibbs looked over at her confused, until he saw what she was looking at.

"Ya, I see it" Gibbs replied as he slowly stood up and watched as my pacing increased.

"Tony go get Ducky" Gibbs said in almost a whisper. Tony stood up quickly, the quick movement made my anxiety rise even higher. I turned toward him and snapped my jaws.

"Slowly Dinozzo" Gibbs spoke, as he pointed towards the elevator. Tony nodded and then cautiously stepped away from his desk. I ignored him and started to feel pressure on my head, it was pounding, and pounding.

"Rogue stop" Cooper barked.

"I can't!" I growled back.

"You have to relax" he replied taking a step towards me.

"Don't!" I snarled. "You've seen what I can do! I'll rip you to shreds!"

Cooper lowered his head and took a step back.

The elevator dinged, causing me to look up. I watched as Ducky and Tony exited it in quick haste. Ducky had something in his hand, a needle perhaps? I don't know my vision was going blurry as my anger rose. It was uncontrollable, I tried to stop but the rage only grew at my feeble attempts.

"Duck, whats happening?" Gibbs asked, worriedly.

"I'm afraid our dear friend is having another episode, like the one at the park" Ducky replied as he observed me from a distance. "It's like PTSD, but for a K-9 instead, unfortunately I have no idea how to calm her down. So I'm going to need you to hold her down while I give her this injection. It's just a sedative" Ducky added as he nodded towards me. Gibbs slowly stepped closer to me. I growled and shook my head.

"Easy there" He spoke calmly holding his hand out to me. My head was spinning so fast, I almost threw up. I felt his weight fall onto me and I fell to the ground. Gibbs held me down, as Ducky quickly poked the syringe into the scruff of my neck. When the liquid had all passed through her backed up. The last thing I heard was Gibbs soothing words telling me it was going to be ok.

I awoke to the sweet smell of bacon floating through the air and towards my nose. I stood up and gazed at my surroundings. I was at Gibbs's house, in the living room and on the couch. I don't really recall anything that happened. One moment I was pacing and then the next I was here.

I jumped off the couch, stretched and padded into the kitchen. Gibbs was standing at the stovetop cooking and Ducky was sitting in a chair reading a newspaper.

"Ah, She's up" Ducky said to Gibbs in a whisper. Gibbs didn't even give me a sideways glance,He just kept cooking. I ignored him to and sniffed around the floor for some scraps. I found some meat under the table and snatched it up. Then I walked to the back door and sat down. Gibbs continued to ignore me, but Ducky was quick to stand up and open it.

The doctor must be the stupidest person I have ever met. I ran straight for the woods not looking back. I was almost to the edge of the trees when a sharp pain went through my body. Shocked, I stopped dead in my tracks and stood still. I glanced around, but There was nothing there, not even a squirrel. My breathing heavied as I looked to my left and right confused.

I tried to go forward again, but the uncomfortable feeling intensified. I backed up until I didn't feel anything. My eyes wandered to the back door I had just come out of and saw Gibbs standing there with a small black box in his hand.

"Rogue, Come!" He commanded.

"You've got to be out of your damn mind, if you think I'm stepping one foot over to you" I growled.

He pressed a button on the remote and a bearable yet uncomfortable pain shot through my body again. What was this guys problem?

"I'm not going to ask again" he said more sternly. I reluctantly trotted over to him and looked him dead in the eyes before walking back into the house. Gibbs shut the door behind me and sat down at the kitchen table.

"Duck? Do you really think this shock collar will keep these episodes at bay?" Jethro asked him, looking to the box in his hand.

"From my observation, these episodes only come when she doesn't act appropriately. Therefore, I do believe with time they will subside" Ducky replied, with a nod.

"Shock collar?!" I barked. Gibbs and Ducky both ignored me and began eating.

"Remember Jethro, if she isn't behaving just ignore her and she will soon stop" Ducky said as he finished his plate.

"Well, look at the time. I must be off now, thank you Jethro" Ducky declared as he stood up and grabbed his things. He walked to the door and Gibbs followed behind him.

"If you have any questions just call me" Ducky stated, as he stood by the door. Jethro nodded and opened it for him. Ducky smiled and left, when Gibbs could see that he was in his car, he closed the door. Gibbs walked back into the kitchen and sat down to finish his meal.

"Hey!" I barked at him, but he didn't look my way.

"Ok that's it, First a shock collar and now your gonna ignore me? You are in for a world of hurt tonight" I thought to myself as I walked out of the kitchen and took my place back on the couch.

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