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Nate Irving

Four months of bliss.

Four months of me being ridiculously happy and all I can say is thank you to whatever deity brought Cillian Lorre to me. Cil is my everything. He literally is an embodiment of sunshine to me. He's always bright and always there and I never wanted to let go of his hand.

Life before I met Cil was bland and boring and to be completely honest, I'm not sure how I was able to keep pushing. How I could keep going to the office and working my ass off. My whole life I wanted my own love story. I wanted to be able to provide for my future husband and our family, it was why I didn't only focus on painting but also on the business part of it. It's why I opened my first gallery.

I have had relationship before but they were always brief, their intention shining through no matter they try to hide it. They try to act like my money isn't what attracted them to me and that attitude lasts about a week before I'm being asked to buy something ridiculously expensive.


Cil was everything I've ever wanted and fantasized about. He was kind, sweet, caring. His smile had to be the most beautiful things I've ever seen and I stare at art for a living. His laugh was the most beautiful sound ever. The way he looks at me, god, I hope he never stops. He makes me so happy and I do everything to make him even more happy.

Even my sister, Elaine, was so fond of him. The two of them texting everyday, talking, sharing memes and laughing like the best of friends. Cil also gave me the gift of friends, I've never really had any. Most of all I have are acquaintances and stranger who like to think they know me. However, over the past months I have also gotten closer and closer to Key and Arlen.

Arlen had to be the most blunt person I've ever met while Key never said much but he kept Arlen grounded, especially when his husband began rambling. I've never met a couple like them before. They were so different but still fit, like puzzle pieces.

And last but not least, is Jaden. The young boy they had all taken in. For the first month, Jaden gave me the cold shoulder, glaring at me. I knew where he was coming from so it didn't even cross my mind to be offended or rude to him or some other shit like that. No. Jaden was being protective, to make sure I wasn't going to cause trouble and I really admired that.

I remember doing the same to whatever boyfriend Elaine had.

"Nate, are you ready?" Cil asked as he pushed into the room.

I looked away from the mirror were I was trying to decide if I should go with a tie or not.

"Yes I am." I said, tossing the tie onto the bed. I looked better without them.

Cillian was dressed in a white button up shirt and dark pants, he had also pulled on one of my many jumpers, this once a pale blue. He had rolled the sleeves up because they were long and let them rest on his wrist, he had on the watch I had gotten him on our three months anniversary, his hair styled off his face and he was smiling at me.

He looked absolutely gorgeous.

I held my hand out to him, pulling him closer when he slipped his hand into mine. "You look so gorgeous, angel." I said, slipping my hands around his waist as I pull him even closer. Cil rests his hands on my shoulder and we softly swayed.

"You look more handsome than usual, Nate." Cil said, clearly teasing.

"As long as I'm still handsome to you, then I'm good." I said, letting out a little yelp when Cil slipped his hand underneath my jacket and pinched me.

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