Greed and Blood: Chapter Three

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Johnny fidgeted in his suit behind the curtain, nervous about going out before the crowd of angry supporters and near-rioters. General Egon's forces augmented Rainier's guard now, giving him much greater control over the populace, but maintaining that control while avoiding the look of a despot proved rather difficult. He had to stamp out the opposition and claim they were subversive agents from outside in order to legitimize his hold on power over the years.

Over the last several years, the plan took on numerous new avenues of locating the Pact-maker with the aid of the Covenant and General Egon. The plan to destabilize Sumpsbergh went without a hitch, so much so that they also engaged Stones, and the Covenant actually took on a strong following in both cities with promises of deals with the Pact-maker to fix everything. Foreign agents seeking out General Egon had become problematic in Sumpsbergh, but it was nothing that derailed the main plan.

The main plan, of course, being the tracking of anyone connected to the Pact-maker in any way, shape, or form. Finding individuals who dealt with the Pact-maker or came out of its deals alive proved harder than Johnny imagined; General Egon had been attempting it for most of his career. He only ever found a few examples spread throughout the world. One, in Hase, many years ago and who probably passed long ago. Another, the child of a Glykelan soldier, whereabouts unknown. And then, some rumors and legends.

But one stuck out like a sore thumb; a young man named Colm. A survivor of none other than the Order of One Way, the group that the Pact-maker had Clare assault and destroy for some ancient debt they owed him. They had a survivor, right in the neighboring city of Joustbergh. Offering him up presented the best prospect of attracting the Pact-maker.

When General Egon learned this, they had to create a plan of action to assault Joustbergh to find and capture the young man. They needed the support of the people, but it had to start as a seed. What did Joustbergh have that Rainier didn't? What was the major difference? They both had money, food, water, security. He had to make the people of Joustbergh evil to Rainier, antagonists they had to destroy to preserve their way of life.

With a deep, calming breath and one last adjustment of his suit, Johnny made his way out to the stage. General Egon and his mother each sat in a chair on either side of his podium, patiently awaiting the address of the savior of the people of Rainier. As he walked out, both turned and looked at him in perfect synchronization, wide, eager smiles on their faces as the crowd roared and cheered for their glorious leader.

Johnny nodded to them and took his spot standing at his podium, looking out over the crowd. His supporters were rabid, totally enraptured by his mere presence. They gave him power, they gave him adoration, love, support. And none of them mattered.

"People of Rainier!

"I come before you, humbly, as a servant of the people, crying for your ears. Through the assistance of Mister Egon and our other new allies, I have discovered what truly plights our people. I have found the way forward, the way to salvation.

"Many of you have noticed the state of the world, the chaos that slowly surrounds us. Sumpsbergh and Stones are falling to destruction and chaos; civil strife has become the new norm, as I'm sure you know yourselves from selflessly taking in refugees from the damaged cities!

"I know the cause: Joustbergh! In their cushioned seats, far from danger and strife, their greed takes hold, a hunger insatiable in their plight to make the Freelands free no more!"

The crowd roared in protest and despair, lamenting that such a powerful city would turn on the cities of the Freelands and seek such control. Their way of life; nay, EVERY way of life in the Freelands; stood at risk of falling to the militaristic and subversive city of combat. They; the people of Rainier; had to be the first line of defense for the good of the Freelands, and possibly, the world.

"They have sent their agents to destroy Sumpsbergh, our dearly beloved neighbor, and nearly succeeded. Had it not been for Mister Egon's powerful allies joining forces with us, we might not have been able to step in and save them! And our neighbor Stones, another example, but one far more sinister!

"They will destroy any foe, no matter how small. Even those who might join them for the promise of being spared, will know no mercy. The people of Stones have learned this the hard way. Our enemies will beat, maim, and kill our societies if we do not act.

"But, Joustbergh has made one, critically fatal error; they left us to stand! They focused their energy on our neighbors who could not stand on their own, but that is not us! We are strong. No matter how many they send, they will not defeat us. And now, we know what they are planning, unlike our poor neighbors, and we will be at full strength to stand against tyranny!

"They believe that they can destroy our way of life. That they can take what is rightfully ours, what we have worked so hard to build. Look how they swept into Sumpsbergh and Stones, to 'buy' everything at a lower point while our neighbors are weakened! I have not allowed such atrocities to occur here, and I never will."

The people frenzied, barely controllable by the riot troopers all around the massive square they gathered in. Johnny put a hand up, and, like a dog to its master, the crowd silenced itself.

"We will not allow our enemies to take us. We will not allow their aggression to go unpunished. We, the people of Rainier, will stand up. We will take the fight to them, and tear down their society as they have done to our neighbors. As they would do to us. As they would do to everyone.

"The time is now, my people, and so I plead with you, on my knees-" Johnny stepped aside and fell to his knees- "Help me wipe the scourge of Joustbergh's imperialist aggression from the land!"

The crowd roared and cheered, and as the roars echoed through the city, Johnny and his mother knew that they had it. Johnny stood and straightened his jacket, then waved goodbye as he and his mother and the general exited the stage.

"A marvelous show," General Egon said as they left the view of the people. "My forces are prepared to march. We can leave at sunrise."

"And so you shall," Clare said. "You will lead the way from the front, I assume?"

"Of course, my dear, I'm no coward. Besides-" General Egon held an Essence battery in one hand and a fire in the other- "How else could I do what I enjoy most about this job?"

"Lead the charge, general," Johnny said. "And bring us the young man in one piece."

"I'll bring him alive," General Egon said. He spun around to take his leave. "I'll be going now. I look forward to that dinner, Clare."

"Ugh," Clare said as the general left and her son gave her a quizzical look. "It's an opportunity to end him before we attempt contact with the Pact-maker."

"Fair enough," Johnny said. "I look forward to seeing father again."

"As do I, son," Clare said, pulling her son in close. "As do I."

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