Sugar Daddy

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"So why the emergency meeting, " Jimin asked bluntly, breaking the silence that overtook the room the moment they got Jin's cooking in their mouths.

Namjoon looked up at him irritably, "I was going to wait until we finished eating to talk to business,"

"It's rude to leave people in suspense like that besides were good at multitasking," Jimin countered with a bratty smile as he stuck his fork in his mouth

"Well I actually have a few interesting jobs that came up over the weekend. I also," Namjoon sighed as he gathered his thoughts, "wanted to talk about the terms of the newest addition to the No Harm List,"

"What do you mean the terms?" Jungkook asked breaking the short silence that fell over the table, "I figured we just protect her like we do everyone else,"

"Everyone else is two people, Jungkook." Namjoon "And this is different Lena and Dax are old and keep to themselves. Their livelihood is in that diner by campus. We have them employ a member or two from BTS and they're set and safe. Your girl is all over the place," he explained Jungkook didn't know if he liked or hated the pointed term.

"Whoa whoa hold up, your girl?" Hoseok asked, confused. He heard JK ran into some trouble over the weekend, but he didn't realize it was bad enough to mean whoever got involved to be added to the No Harm List. "Can someone please catch me up on what's going on?" He asked as he took in the brace on the younger's arm and healed his black eye.

"Kook decided to go through a stroll down the 9th Ward alone last week, some Black Tips snuck up on him and got the best of him, He was so desperate some college girl had to intervene and save his ass," Suga grumbled with a teasing smirk.

"Ya know I'm getting real tired of these implications," Jungkook scoffed, letting his fork fall to his plate with a rattled. "I messed up big time and someone had to help me. That's my bad, and I'm really ashamed of it. I'm not ashamed of the fact that the person that saved me was a woman, but I'm sure as hell tired of you ass holes acting as I should be."

Jin beamed proudly at the younger, "You're absolutely right Jungkookie. She's a hero, and it's wrong of us to imply otherwise" Jin said, sending a small glare at Yoongi and Namjoon who looked down at their plates, "But her being a woman does complicate things a little more. In a city like this it makes her all the more vulnerable, and even more important we try our best to keep her safe from threats we normally wouldn't think about. It's important we talk about those things."

Meanwhile, Hoseok paled as he made the connection between y/n and Jungkook. Jungkook looked at Jin sheepishly and as Hobi took his younger in he saw it, Bambi. Hoseok clenched his jaw and looked over and Jin across the table, who was not meeting his eyes. Jin was the only member who really knew who y/n was staying with him that summer and who y/n was to him. It was Jin's job to know everything, he had to have connected the dots beforehand and didn't give Hobi any kind of warning.

"What's there to discuss," he said roughly, his voice low drawing all eyes his way.

Namjoon hesitated feeling the change in the mood. Hoseok was like a ray of sunshine, so when he was upset you could feel the temperature drop. He shifted in his seat before he spoke confirming Hoseok's suspicion that he too knew who 'Cinderella' was

"We need to decide exactly how many resources are we going to expand on her, how involved in her life do we want to get to keep her safe?"

"What do you mean how involved? Isn't the whole point of this to keep her safe from a distance, were not about to initiate her," Hoseok snapped.

"There's a bit of a compromising matter," Suga mumbled all eyes shifted to him, "Y/n was wearing her work polo when she intervened, the Black Tips know where she works, and it doesn't take much to trail her after her shift the idiot walks home from work each night"

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