Flowers for Dae

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Your chest ached as understanding settled in, "Oh, Hobie," you sighed.

"We'll take a vote," RM ordered, unable to stand another minute of this fighting. "We have damage control to take care of, and everyone is tired. We meet first thing, and we will decide as a team what we should do about Ella."

Hoseok's smile was mirthless at his boss's half-ass attempt to placate him. "See you bright in early," he said with a salute before turning for the garage.

You stared after your best friend, hesitant to follow him. "And do I get a say in that decision?" you asked RM softly.

RM sighed, "Your opinion will be considered when we vote. You will have full control over how we go about re-negotiating your contract if it comes to it."

Assuming that was the best you could get, you sighed, eyes flicking over to Yoongi who flanked RM's left, his arms crossed and his expression stoic.

"I guess I'll go catch up with Hobi," you offered hesitantly, not knowing what to do. Yoongi met your eyes but said nothing. Taking Yoongi's silence as his answer, you squeezed Jungkook's hand in a silent farewell before you followed Hoseok to the garage.

Hoseok kept his eyes forward as you approached his vehicle. He was sitting in his Porsche the engine purred a soft accompaniment to the rhythmic thump of his music.

"Can I catch a ride?" you asked, already settling into the passenger's seat and buckling before he could give an empty "Sure." in response.

You didn't ask where he was taking you as he sped out of the Den's parking lot and into the streets of the seventh ward. His options were limited if he was still a wanted man, and you figured you would end up at your apartment by the end of the night.

"We need to pick up another box of hair dye. Whoever did yours did a shitty job," you said, reaching to run your fingers through his hair.

The unique thing about your friendship with Hoseok was you two were forced to mourn together when you were getting close. Meaning you both had a talent for ignoring the elephant in the room and settling into a normal life where you talked around the big issue.

It wasn't always healthy to ignore your problems like that. But for you and Hoseok, it worked. After big changes like this, you both had a habit of turning off your feelings for a while and giving each other space and time to process instead of forcing each other to talk about an issue before you were ready.

It's what you did with Daewon's death. It's what he did for you when you first found out about BTS.

So tonight, you could make space for him. The two of you could go through the rest of the night without talking about the bakery or BTS at all if he didn't want to.

You glanced out the window, realizing what street he was turning on.

"We're going to see Dae?" you asked, surprised as he pulled to the side of the road outside the city's botanical garden. The gardens were closed, which was no surprise considering it was close to one in the morning. But that was never a problem in the past.

"We didn't visit her on her anniversary this year," Hoseok said simply.

You both visited separately, though you wouldn't point it out. At the time of Dae's anniversary, you were still giving him the silent treatment for lying to you about BTS. You had visited Daewon's grave on your own and saw that it had already been cleaned, and her favorite flowers decorated the small plot, meaning Hoseok had already beat you there.

At the time, you had felt guilty for the relief you felt in your chest. Visiting her that day came with the fear that you and Hoseok would cross paths before you were ready to face him. And you think Dae would have been disappointed to see the two of you arguing on top of her grave.

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