SpOoKy ScArY SkEleToNs

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I knocked on Nico's door and the door swung outwards, narrowly missing me. Nico made his way out of the room and looked at me.

'Come downstairs, I have to confess something' He says and goes downstairs with a redhead?

'Nico why do you—' I was cut off.

'I'll explain it all downstairs!' He shouted.

I made my way downstairs and saw the entire fam sitting in the living room.

Nico took a deep breathe and started talking.

'I do not believe this filth!' Damian yelled.

'Prove it!' Jason shouts.

Nico shuts his eyes and the shadows start to creep toward him. Suddenly the shadows start swirling around Nico at high speeds.

He thrust his hand forward and a giant, shadow serpent shoots towards us. It opens it's big jaws and is about to swallow the entire insides of the manor.

Nico swipes his hand and the serpent vanishes.

'Point taken' I said shakily.

'What should we do?' Bruce asks. I've never seen him so determined.

'By the way, we're su-' Jason was cut off by Nico

'Superheroes,'He finished for Jason


'Shadow Sensing,' Nico said firmly.

'And as for "Batman's question"' Nico says with a smirk. 'I have been given a map by Hecate that shows bombs planted at specific locations.These bombs can only be sensed by Hecate or her children, the map only gives the location, not the exact bomb point.'

Nico glances at the person he introduced as Donatello Esposito.

Donatello nods.

'Let's hit it,' Dick says.

Above the Brown Bridge, Gotham

Donatello POV

I peered down below the bridge. Nico sensed a large amount of Necromancy here. Sure enough, huge groups of Roman Legionaries on a boat, near the central pillar of the bridge. A bomb, the size of an elephant was located on the central pillar.

It took me and Nico only a few minutes, because of the mass of dead soldiers, and the magic flowing through the waters.

Nico said this was the easiest one to track and destroy.

I snorted involuntarily at the sight of the mass soldiers.

'We need to distract them,' Tim said.

'Got it,' I say and screw my eyes shut.

I invoke a hell lot of magic behind the legionaries. They notice and head backwards to intercept an intruder who is not there.

Me and Nico jump down. Nico to somewhat control the dead, if they're bright enough to figure out the trap, and me to destroy the bomb.

'If you destroy the bomb, the dead will die for good,' Nico whispers.

'Like, dead- dead?' I ask.

'Yes, dead-dead' Nico rolls his eyes. The batfam are above us. They rigged some explosives near us, but not to close to harm us. Its for the legionaries, if they attack.

I tiptoe towards the bomb. Nico warned me these guys have super hearing. The bomb had a slick, black, oilsilk cover, and a small beeping sound that resonated throughout the waters.

We were standing on the very edge of the pillar.

We were standing on the very edge of the pillar

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It was dangerously narrow. I placed my hand on the bomb. It made a loud beep, which scanned me.
'Intruder!' The bomb beeped and a laser shot out of the centre of the bomb. Unfortunately this attracted unwanted attention. The legionaries turned around and yelled. They came in a mass of bones and skeletons.

I heard a BANG and dived into the water. I scanned my eyes furiously for Nico. A giant explosion threatened to knock all the pillars down. The army of skeletons were thrown back by the force of the detonation. Remind me to thank the bats I thought.

Most of the fire had wrapped around the Dead Romans and brutally burned them down. There were a few children of Hephaestus, who had the special ability to control the flames, and tried to extinguish them. But they had a hard time because the haze and plumes of smoke obscured their view. Most of the skeletons managed it—albeit they were not unscathed. Some had disintegrated for good.

That was good enough. They would take some time to get through the haze of smoke and ash.

At last I saw Nico, a kilometre away from me underwater. Thank god Poseidon had mercy on Nico. I dove back up and hauled myself onto the central pillar.

At this point the batfam had jumped down and started trying to kill them. But when they broke the framework of the bones, the stray bones would compact together and form the body again.

Only Nico was successfully killing them(or sending them to the underworld) with his Stygian sword. The skeletal warriors were wary of Nico and most shuffled back. The bravest tried to attack Nico to no avail.

I placed my hand on the Bomb.
Let me in I said mentally.
The bomb resisted so I said it even harder. The bomb shuddered—but wouldn't budge. I focused all my energy into the bomb and a tremor passed through it.
Finally the bomb gave in and flung open the oil silk cover. Inside was a hell lot of wires. I cursed mentally How many I supposed to do this?! I'm not a child of Hephaestus!

But wait.

There was a fraction of magic coursing through the wires. The bomb beeped and a robotic voice said aloud
'The bomb will detonate in 30 seconds,' The voice informed.

I kept trying to hold the fraction of magic, but every time I was close it wiggled away. It didn't help that I was a bit drained from opening the bomb itself.

'20 seconds,'

This time I was fully panicking. I finally grabbed it. But it still didn't let me take control of it. I pushed even harder.

'10 seconds,'

I gave a shout and shoved all my energy into the fraction of magic. It shuddered and stopped.

'6 seconds,'

'CANCEL DETONATION!!' I screamed. The ticking stopped. The skeletal warriors started convulsing and vanishing in a flash of midnight dust.

I collapsed to the floor and blacked out.


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