Chapter 81

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I knocked on the door of my parents in law house and Mama Jackson answered the door delighted and happily to see me. She hugged me and allowed me to come in.

Is papa  home.? I asked as I followed her into the kitchen.

Yeah he in here baby.! What's wrong.?! She asked turning her greens off.

I just wanted to talk to you both.! I said with unease sitting my purse down.

What's wrong baby.? Papa asked getting up from his seat and hugging me.

Hi papa.! I said hugging him back.

What's going on.? Mama asked getting ready to fry her chicken.

It's about Martavion........ I said bluntly.

Mmmmm.! Papa said turning his head.

What about him baby.?

Well I think all you guys should talk again. He's getting sloppy and all his energy is drained it's like he's depressed he's not his self. Look that talk you guys had....

I'm sorry sweetie that doesn't really contain you.... mama said.

With all do respect mama it does. Martavions my husband and if something is bothering him than it damn sure bothers me. And I'm not gonna stand for this disappointment hold YALL have over him.

Magic this is family matters you wouldn't understand. Papa said.

I been family. I been family since the day me and him met and especially since the day I said I DO.! I said sternly and pissed off. "Y'all don't have no say in anything when y'all all in this damn "family" want a damn hand out from him or need him to do something. Martavion needs more respect than what's given to him and I'm really pissed off about this situation because not only did he make a boss move he made a move for his entire family including y'all.!

You don't know the whole story Magic... mama said getting mad.

You think I don't.! You fucked off on papa with black and boom martavion was born. Papa you wanted another son so you took Martavion in as your own. You and black had a whole war against each other. So don't tell me I don't know the full story because I do.! Martavion never ever pursued a relationship with his biological father for out of respect for you Mr Jackson. Because he loved and cherished you his whole entire life. Black taught him the secrets of the life in the streets and have him connect options something you where trying to get your hands on all your life.! Y'all dead ass wrong for being mad at him for doing business. The only people who are wrong in this situation is y'all.! How the hell y'all try to keep as secret like that and take it to y'all graves.? Make that shit make sense.! If anybody should be disappointed in anybody it should be him disappointed in y'all. And from now on don't fix to call and ask my husband for shit since this how it's gonna be and I don't give a fuck about nun of that bull Shit because he can keep his empire to his fuckinself and I'll make sure of that.

Is it true.? Martavion isn't yours daddy.?! Malachi asked pissed off standing In The door way right with Malike. They was so shocked.

I grabbed my purse off the counter pissed off. "I'll see my own damn way out.!" I said pushing past them and leaving out the house. Fuck out of here ya won't disappointed shame my husband not on my fuckin watch especially when he not even wrong. Yeah okay.!

I pulled up to the house and went inside. My house was awkwardly quiet. I grabbed the baby monitors and checked on the kids. Everybody was sound asleep for their naps. I went on the back patio where Martavion was smoking and sat in his lap.

Where did you go.?! He asked looking up at me.

To pay your parents a visit.! I said pissed off all over again.

For what.?!

Nothing.! Don't worry about it.!

I don't even wanna know....

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