Chapter 62

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I was trying to work out so this stomach could go away but no matter what I tried this baby was growing and I was getting round. My family was starting to get suspicious because all I did was sleep and I worse so many over sized clothes. Everybody knows I like my stuff right and fitted. I didn't even tell Malachi about me being pregnant.

Can you wear something cute for once.! Lani asked annoyed coming into my closet. We was suppose to be going to lunch and the mall.

My clothes don't fit.! I lied.

Girl please.! Look you can wear a cute dress or something show the girls they look like they growing.! She said hitting them. That shit hurted so bad.

Come on stop with yo gay ass.! I said annoyed.

Okay for real for real where something cute. She said walking out the closet. I waited until she left the room completely. I learned if I stuck my stomach in you wouldn't be able to tell I was pregnant. It was okay anyways because the baby was a size of a grape it ain't gone hurt it. I put on some gray leggins and a polo bear shirt with my all white low top nike ones. I did my hair switching to the middle part 28" straight wig and did my make up. I put on my diamond stud earrings and tucked my hair behind my ear. I put on my small Cuban necklaces that was layered than my silver diamond Rolex that matched my wedding ring. I grabbed my red birkin bag and grabbed my phone and wallet out my other purse. I looked at myself in the mirror and I was looking cute. When I was pregnant my belly always been my cutest accessory on me.

Is you ready.?! She asked coming in and I hurried up and sucked my stomach in and pulled my leggins over my stomach.

Yeah.! I smiled following her out. We got in her truck and she pulled off. I placed my purse in front of me so I could breath for a second.

Are we going on the boulevard.?! I asked flossing my lips.

Of course but I have to stop at Starbies first.!!

Okay please.! I need a Venti Strawberry refresher lemonade with the dragon fruit bits in them and two chocolate chip cookies make sure their warm. Here's 10 dollars.! I said sitting it in the cup holder.

What's that for.?

For my stuff.!

Girl bye put it back.! She said as she pulled into the drive through. She ordered our stuff and me and this baby got so happy. I popped my morning sickness meds so I could crush these cookies.

Why are you taking Zofran.? She asked catching me.

It's's a vitamin.! I lied.

Mmmm... Magic if you pregnant just say that.!

I'm not.!

Mmmmhmm here.! So who's the new dude.?

There is no new dude Kahlani.!

Right and I'm blind.?!

You must be cause I'm not messing with anybody.

Yeah okay is it Carter.? Mommy told me about y'all little date y'all had back a couple months ago.

NO.! I would never date Carter again and since when was you so interested in my love life.?

Since always spill the beans bitch.! She said parking in front of Chanel.

I'm not pregnant and there's nothing to tell. I'm not ready to date nor am I ready to move on. I don't want any of these lame ass loser ass niggas out here.! I just wanna focus on being a mom and running this business that's all.!

Yeah okay I hear you.! But if your lying about being pregnant I'm going to kill you.!

We got out the car and went into Chanel.! This was really my favorite store. I got my daughter and me some cute little matching items and her a new purse. I seen the cutest hot pink big baby bag in the little girls section. I was getting it wether it was a girl or a boy in here. I shopped in the gender neutral section while Lani tried on some things. I got a bunch of onsies and some socks. I hurried up and paid for my things before she was done.

We went into Gucci next and I was seeing so much baby stuff. I had to hurry up and find out what I was having. I loved to shop and I was ready to buy stuff. But I kept it simple so Lani wouldn't catch me.

We made our way to go eat at Billy's and I ordered a Oreo milkshake, a burger and fries, 2 tacos and apple pie and ice cream and ate it all.! I was so hungry. I looked like I ate so I didn't have to suck my stomach in any more.

I finally got home and I sat the kids stuff on their beds and put my stuff away. I hid the baby stuff in the closet where Martavion stuff was.

Ma we home.! Majesty yelled coming through the door. I went to the livingroom and they was walking in with mama Jackson.

Hi guys how was school.! I asked hugging and kissing them all. "Thanks moma.!" I said giving her a hug too.

Hey baby.! Your welcome.! She said kissing my cheek and hugging me back.

Ma it was so much fun today in art class Ms Lizzy brought my painting in to show the class what I did and I won this ribbon.! She said holding up her first place ribbon.

Yes I'm so proud of you.! I said giving her a big hug.!

I got into a fight today.! Machi said mad.

Yeah and I helped.! Micah said so proudly.

Excuse me.? For what.?!

Cause Corey was teasing me about not having a dad.

Yeah so I punched him in his face and told him if my dad was still here he would of shoot his dad in the face with his big guns.!  Micah said throwing his bag in his room.

Guys you can not fight people because of what they say.! People are always going to tease you about stupid stuff you can't hit them unless they touch you first.

Yeah but ma nobody talks about my dad.! Machi said.

Hey guys whoever can go the rest of the week without fighting can have my blue ribbon deal.?! Majesty said interrupting. My baby was such an amazing big sister. "That includes not fighting at home, deal.?!"

Deal.! They both said than shaking her hand.

Princess you didn't have to do that.!

I know mom but they always fighting. I know dad wouldn't like that.!

Ughh come here your literally the best daughter in the whole wide world.! I said hugging her so tight making her smile and laugh.

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