Breaking News! A new demon!

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After a week, Artemisia had still gotten cat calls from other demons, but she found other powers which helped her counter them.

She also took up an interest in potion and crystal magic, which she had. She was making them for a fair price, but then more demons wanted her potions. She felt she should look for a place of her own since Fang's was too small for her work.

She was already back at Fang's home when the news flashed on the TV.

"Artemisia? You may want to see this." The reptile demon said.

The news showed a woman who looked pompous and annoying, and a man in a gas mask.

"Hello sinners! This is Katie Killjoy-"
"And Tom Trench with Breaking news!"

"It seems we may have a possible new Overlord in Hell, because of recent footage some lucky sap had brought it. But that's not the shocking part!" Katie started off.

"That's right! This demon actually appeared to look like a female green version of Hell's own Radio Demon! Don't believe us? Well, watch these clips!" Tom said as clips of Artemisia showed her using her powers on other demons.

"You have to admit, it isn't something you see every day. A doppelganger of an Overlord walking around." Katie said. "From what I hear, sinners who had the misfortune of coming across her are already calling her the 'Emerald Witch'."

"That's right! It also makes one wonder what the Radio Demon is going to do once he hears of her." Tom said before Artemisia turned off the TV.

"So much for keeping a low profile. Now a number of overlords will be on my back!" Artemisia grumbled.

"Well, with power like yours, who could?" Fang asked. "I hope you found a place by now."

"I was able to find an abandoned mansion outside of the city. No one's interested in it either, so I got it cheap. The last owner was just happy to be rid of it. I can quickly fix it to my tastes." The she demon said with a smile.
Meanwhile, a certain demon saw the news on what he called a picture show.

Another deer demon has came down to Hell?

How interesting...
I plan to make next chapter center on Alastor.
What should happen, and give me details!

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