Chapter 34

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"Maybe I can help"

Dick looked up behind him and saw Raven. He looked down to Damian and up at Raven again, giving a nod. He stood up and backed up. The other two did the same.

Raven kneeled down on the ground next to Damian's body. She put her hands on his chest and started to use her powers to removed the water up from his lungs.

((Why am I thinking of water bending? Can she even do this? Oh well 😂))

Everyone waited in suspense hoping for the best. 

Raven started to back off a bit, waiting.

Luckily a second later Damian's reflexes kicked him and he sat up throwing up water and some blood.

Everyone let out a sigh of relief.

Jason kneeled back beside Damian with Dick.

Dick patted Damian's back.

Damian froze up and started on choking. Something was caught in his throat.

Jason was confused and looked to Damian's face, he saw it quickly Turing a bluish purple pretty quickly. "Shit!" He jumped up and grabbed Damian.

He started doing the Heimlich remover on Damian.

"Woah! Jay be more gentle." Dick tells him.

"Well sorry but the kid is choking!" Jason said

"Ok hand him over" Tim said, he pretty much just took the kid and laid him back down.

"What are you doing?" Dick ask

"Well the Heimlich is clearly not going to work so we have to remove it manually." Tim said

"Batman do you have any supplies?"

Of course Batman did. He got it out and gave Tim what he needed.

"You remember what do do right?" he ask

"Haven't done this in a while but I believe so, guide me just in case."

Tim got some tweezers and a flashlight.

Bruce kept Damian's head tilted back.

Tim shined the flashlight in Damian's throat and saw what was stuck. He reached in with the tweezers and worked on getting it out.

soon enough the piece was removed and Damian gasped for air once again.

Tim looked at the piece it was blinking rapidly, thats when e relized it was a bomb and it as about to go off. He quickly threw it in the water and a second later it exploded in the water. "Well that was a close one. Looks like Joker wanted to try something new."

Jason froze for a moment before starting to run away.

"Jay! Where are you going?!" Dick asked.

"Taking care of something." He said darkly, he ran off.

"Oh god...he's going to kill someone" dick mumbled

"I'll keep an eye on him." Starfire flew off after him.

Dick nodded and attended to Damian.


Jason went running, following the path he believed Joker would've taken.

Starfire flew down next to him, "Jason, this is unneeded. Joker has to be gone by now. I can take a quick look from the sky. If I don't see anything you have to agree to relax and go back to the others."

Jason growled and stopped, "fine but take me up with you." He said.

Starfire agreed and grabbed Jason before flying up into the sky for a better view.

Starfire flew around the area finding nothing, meaning Jason had no choice but to give up and go back. But it doesn't mean he won't kill the joker the next time he sees him.

They flew back to the others and landed. Damian was getting his wounds treated.

Nightwing looked to the teen titans, "thanks a lot for the help you guys. Especially you raven."

"It was no problem." Starfire said

Raven gave a nod with a small smile.

"Welp, we should get back to the tower. We'll see you later!" Beast Boy said. The titans soon left.

Roy gave Jason a pat on the back and wished him luck before heading off.

Alfred continued to fix Damian's wounds.

"How is he?" Jason ask

"I'm fine." Damian said.

"Master Damian is stabled as you can see, he just needs time to rest and for his wounds to be healed." Alfred said

"Got it. Thanks." Jason said. He then glared at Damian, "you and I are going to have a talk."

Dick leaned over to Jason, "haha, no. You and I are going to have a talk first." He have a creepy smile.

Jason looked to him and sighed. "Ok! Ok! Fine but can this wait?"

"Nope." Dick grabbed Jason by the ear and pulled him away. He has that creepy nice smile on his face.

((Oop- poor Jason XD. Uh so I hope you enjoyed that chapter. A little weird I know. Sorry I couldn't finish this earlier! The school blocked the website on their computer so I can't write in school anymore, unless I had a specific laptop.😓 but anyways yeah, if you wanna see anything happen next let me know in the comments! 👍🐶))

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