chapter 31

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"Looks like you can't do this alone" Someone said from behind.

Jason quickly snapped his head around to see who it was, once he saw who it was he stood up and glared. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"This is my city, Jason." the dark figure came out form the shadows revealing the knight of Gotham.

((I cant really portray Bruce well))

"Yeah well I don't need your fucking help. So go the fuck away." Jason said

"I have a tracker on him." Batman said

".....okay if nothing bad was going on I would be annoyed and tell you to remove it cause he's not your's anymore. But sense we're in a situation like this just lead the way old man. Don't get me wrong i still fucking hate you but you could be.....somewhat useful....i guess. Just lead the damn way." Jason said

Batman just nodded and jumped off the building.

Jason followed after him. He really hated that he had to have Bruce's help, but he would do anything to save the kid. He didn't want to make the same the mistake Bruce did.

Batman used the tracker on his phone to trace the location his phone was currently at. It lead them into some old looking shed.

Jason walked ahead and kicked the door open before walking in, guns drawn.

"Jason! This is a trap." Bruce said quickly following after him just to stop him

"Psh please, this is a small as shed nothing can happen." Jason said.

As soon as Jason stepped in the floor solid floor disappeared and he fell, Bruce tired to grab him but he was only pulled down with him.

They fell for quite a few seconds before landing on the ground with a thumb, the two landed on one another.

"what did I tell you" Batman said sighing as he stood up.

"Shut it old man. I don't want to hear your stupid lectures." Jason said

He grabbed his phone out and turned on the flashlight to see in the dark. He looked around. There were in a pretty deep hole, they were surrounded by loose dirt that could easily fall any moment. He looked at the ground and saw a phone. He raised a eyebrow and picked it up. That's when it hit him. It was Damian's phone. He turned it on, there was no password required to get in so that was strange. He opened it and a tab was opened taking him to a video that was recorded not that long ago.

He played the video not caring that Bruce was looking over his shoulder.


"Well hello there Batsy! Looks like you fell for my trap! HAHAHAHAHA! Good luck finding a way out in time to save your....3rd?...4th... Robin! HAHAHAHAHA, you have 30 minutes before tik tok, tik tok BOOM!"


"Wow, so original" Jason said rolling his eyes. He turned to look at Batman, "Just use your damn grappling hook and lets get out of here. We have to hurry." he said.

"I cant." Batman said

"What do you mean you cant?!" Jason ask a bit annoyed.

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