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The decor of the place was simply stunning. I had held no doubt it would be classy, however—as I came to realize— I hadn't prepared myself for how classy it would be. Although I was dressed elegantly enough to blend in with the cultured and well groomed crowd, mentally, I kept setting myself apart. I don't belong here, my subconscious chanted. This is so not my scene.

The more I said those words in my head, the more I wanted to exit this beautiful hall that had been decorated to perfection in one of the most expensive hotels in all of D.C. and head home.

"Calm down," Ryder moved in close and whispered in my ear. The feeling of his hot breath so close made me shiver unconsciously. "There's no one here tonight deserving of your fear."

"I'm not scared." I lied straight through my teeth.

I was. Very much so and ready to bolt out of here.

"Really?" He raised a brow, his lips curling as his gaze shifted to our hands.

Sometime between leaving the elevator and speaking with a few people, Ryder's and my hand had become enjoined and I was squeezing the fuck out of it. If that wasn't a huge telltale of my wrecking nerves, I didn't know what was.

Mortified, I went to pull away but he didn't let go, his grip tightening around mine instead.

I tried to ignore that little, potentially insignificant action as I swallowed a large gulp of the bubbly champagne in the flute I was holding. "Well, I beg to differ. I see a ton of people who could change my life in a snap of their fingers hence warranting my discomfort."

As I said the words my gaze shifted to a group of men who I identified as congressmen in their pressed charcoal black suits and the pin above their breast pockets bearing the American flag. Then, on to a senator who stood next to a lithe, stunning redhead lady who didn't at all look to be his wife and whispering God knows what into her ear that cause her to blush.

"The only person relevant of whatever it is that you're feeling is standing right next to you, Nicole. Trust me." Ryder said, a devilish smirk on his lips. I had no doubt that his words rang true and that helped to alleviate my nerves a little.

"Okay." I gulped.

"Now come, let me introduce you to some people." Ryder tugged me out of the little hiding spot where we stood, simply perusing the room, and into the main event.

Almost as if he was burning hot flame and the guests were moths, people began flocking to speak to him. Everyone seemed to want a piece of Ryder Stone. Everyone including me, I admitted to myself as I watched him make conversation with people effortlessly. How he knew each and everyone of their names, and even the back story of some, astounded me as I could barely remember the name of the first person that I was introduced to at the start of this event.

At some point I made a move to leave, however Ryder wasn't having it as he held me close to his side and even introduced me to a few guests.

"I'm ready to go." He announced out of the blue thirty minutes after we arrived.

I looked at him, confused. "But they haven't even started the main event yet." The auction, which was the main money maker of the fundraiser, was set to begin in less than ten minutes and at this point I was actually curious to see what they would be auctioning.

"Which would be a total bore, unless of course you want to stay a bit longer."

I didn't. "You, Mr Stone, are somewhat of a recluse, do you know that?"

"I may have been told that a few times." He grinned, a boyish smile that made him look hundred times more handsome in that moment, his eyes lighting up playfully.

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