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"He asked you to use this credit card, just like that?" Megan asked, still dumbfounded at the whole thing. I was too when Ryder had randomly suggested I use his personal credit card instead of the company given one right before I walked out of his office, after agreeing to accompany him to the fundraising gala.

"Yes." I said for the tenth time, looking around as people went about their business not paying each other any mind.

"And he didn't specify how much you should spend?" She asked slowly to clarify for the nth time, her eyes squinted as if my reply was going to change.

"Yes, Meg. Now can you please help me find something to wear tonight that will not embarrass him," I said exasperatedly.

She hugged me tight, the action so out of the blue that all I could do was pat her back slowly as she pressed a slobbery kiss to my cheek. "Thank you so much for asking me to come with you. Your boss won't know what hit him when he gets debited." She beamed before walking into the Louis Vuitton store we had been standing in front of for several minutes.

My eyes widened. "No, Megan, no. That's his personal credit card, I can't go too crazy on his money." I followed her, my words seeming to go in one ear and fly out straight through the other.

She waved her hand at me, an wide grin on her face as she started perusing the clothes on the several racks. "Oh, relax, it's not like he'll notice anyway. Do you not know how much that man is worth? Billions, Nic, billions."

I knew that fact all too well, however I still didn't feel comfortable spending someone else's money recklessly.

"Now quit stressing and come let's buy you something expensive and very revealing." She wiggled her brows and I couldn't help but laugh at my ever infuriating friend, allowing her pull me along.

"It's a work dinner so I can't wear something too revealing." I tried to remind her but Megan paid me no mind as she continued filtering through the clothes.

"Hello, welcome to Louis Vuitton. Are you searching for anything specific?" An attendant approached us. She was dressed in a charcoal black suit, her hair in a tight looking bun atop her head and a polite smile in her face.

"Hi, we are looking for evening dresses. Preferably something that shows a lot of skin." Megan said and I nudged her side but she ignored me, smiling at the attendant who gave us a look of amusement at her request.

"I know just the ones, come with me." She led us to a different set of clothing racks with floor length dresses. "Here you go. Will you like some champagne while you search?"

"Yes." "No." We said simultaneously.

I turned to Megan with wide eyes. "No."

It was bad enough that we were about to buy clothes that I couldn't afford on a regular day. Releasing a disappointed sigh, she caved. The attendant left and I turned to the rack to begin looking through some clothes, fingering some materials. A particular outfit caught my eye, until the price tag had me gaping in shock.

"Holy fuck, Megan." I showed her the tag and her eyes widened.

"Holy fuck is right. If I'm buying a dress like this with my money I'm wearing it everywhere. To work, to the club, to church, to take a fucking shit..." I burst into laughter. She grinned, waving the black Amex card in the air. "But thankfully—bless you, Ryder Stone— we aren't buying this with our money, so we can still get a good rest at night."

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