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I entered my room and flopped down on my bed, careful to avoid some of my recent bruises.

I checked my bag and realized that I only have 2 weeks worth of painkillers, which would definitely not be enough. Hopefully, I could make up a good enough excuse to get some more.

I just sighed and turned off my lights to sleep.

My last thought before drifting off was

"I forgot the dang water."


*Emma POV*

I woke up the next morning around 7:00, surprisingly well refreshed. It was still dark out, but I was used to waking up early on the weekends to cook for Gabriel.

I licked my lips and winced at the feeling of my dry tongue running over my even dryer lips.

Last night's events came flooding back to me, and I was left with one question,

"What did Antonio want from me?"

Deciding not to dwell on the thought too much, I got out of bed and got ready for the day.

As today was nothing special and the weekend, I stayed in my pajamas, some old sweats, and an oversized t-shirt.

I trudged down the flight of stairs, slowly wincing with each step I went down, mostly due to my probably broken ribs but also my hips and badly bruised shins.

I mentally scolded myself for even thinking of that again.

I walked into the kitchen, and immediately 3 pairs of eyes snapped over to me.

Alessandro, Luca, and Marco, my 3 oldest brothers, were all sitting at the counter, eating their breakfasts.

The silence held for a minute before Luca finally spoke up.

"So, why are you up so early?"

I flinched at the sound of his voice, my body still in panic mode from Gabriel. The boys frowned at this and made no comment. Well, Marco opened his mouth, but one swift glare from Alessandro shut him right up.

I looked at them in confusion before saying.

"What do you mean early? It's already 7 Am?" I hoped my lie was enough to throw them off of my tracks.

Thankfully it was, but they shared one last look before going back to eating.

What was it with these guys and looks.

I sat down at the countertop and had 2 slices of bread with jam set down in front of me.

I looked up at the mystery hand, Alessandro. I smiled in thanks but soon turned that into a grimace when I realized how much I would have to eat.

See, to the average person, that wouldn't be much, but 2 slices of toast were typically what lasted me at least a day, sometimes longer.

I knew my brothers wouldn't like it if I didn't eat, so I took a deep gulp and started eating.

I only got through one slice before my stomach felt like it was about to burst.

*Alessandro POV*

I knew something was wrong. It looked like Emma had to force herself just to eat one slice of toast. I don't care how small your appetite is, but you should be able to eat one piece of toast, especially after skipping dinner the night before.

"If you open your mouth and your next words are I'm full, then I expect you to eat a big lunch, do you understand?" I said with a dark look on my face.

Emma nervously gulped before nodding her head in conformation.

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