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"Oh, and you have to finish those pancakes, cause one of your brothers said so, and two, I braved your scary ass brothers to make those for you, so please eat them."

She continued fixing up her hair and outfit before grabbing her phone, which was also on my nightstand.

"Also, like last thing before I leave, I stole your hoodie cause I forgot to bring a shirt. I'll give it back later." Diya glanced down at the watch on her wrist. "Oh crap, I've gotta go now. Bye. Eat those pancakes and take your meds."

She rushed out of the room, a fleeting "I'm bringing you your homework." floating in the air behind her.


Oh my god, I am so bored." I groaned out, tossing the miniature foam basketball up in the air while laying my feet on the wall.

I flipped back over and glanced at the clock on my nightstand, and groaned once again.

It was only 3:30, and school didn't end until 4:15, so I couldn't call Diya.

Am I being too clingy?


Do I care?

Eh, kinda, but I'm sure Diya doesn't.

I shot up from my position on my bed, waving a little as I waited for the black dots in my vision to clear out.

This house was huge; I should go exploring!

Wow, I am full of good ideas.

Anyways, let's go adventuring.

I walked down the stairs, and instead of walking straight to the kitchen, I turned left, which took me to another passageway. There I took another left, then another, and then a right.

Whoah...what is this place?

It seemed like a hotel lobby, with its plush carpet and many doors.

However, instead of just having ugly wallpaper, it had beautiful art pieces adorning the walls.

I turned around in amazement, staring at all the paintings when one specifically caught my eye.

Wait, what was that?

I gravitated towards the painting that held my interest and reached out to touch it before drawing my hand back.

You weren't supposed to touch art; the oils in your hand broke down the paint or something.

I stared at the painting in disbelief.

It wasn't a good painting, not by a long shot.

It looked like something a two-year-old would paint.

I squinted at the painting for a few minutes more before realizing that this was my painting.

In the corner was a messily written "E" shaped blob, with the rest of my name written in neat calligraphy. Maybe one of my brothers had completed my name?

The more I stood there in silence, the more I realized how creepy this place was.

Okay, Emma, time to go.

I turned around and came face to face with someone's chest.

As my eyes trailed from his chest upwards, I did the only logical thing that a girl could do.

I screamed.


*Diya POV*

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