Why not?

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"Mr. Lee, could you stop staring at Kind and actually do some work?" Mrs. Peter said, causing all the attention to shift to me.

"Mmcht, I am paying attention." I said, and she gave me a look. "Don't worry 'bout me, and teach sumin. Damn." I mumbled.

She waves me off, and continued to do what she was doing. During the lecture, my eyes wandered the room until it landed on Kind, who was sitting next to some boy.

They were talking, and smiling and shit.

Ion like det.

I pulled my phone out and went to our messages.

Baby boy 💍💙:
Say, quit talking to him and come over here.

I watched her look at her phone, then at me, before poking her bottom lip out.

Baby girl 💍💜:

Baby boy 💍💙:
Kind bring yo ass.
- Read at 2:19

Baby boy 💍💙:
- Read at 2:21

I glanced at her right quick, before chuckling and nodding.


"I don't see why you're making a big deal out of nothing." Kind told me, as we walked out the double doors.

"Cause you answered my text and I told you to do sumin'. Not only did you not listen, but you left me on read in the process." I explained to her.

She chuckled. "How does it feel?" She asked, making me confused. "How'd you think I felt when you were at gold star with Other people. We do everything together, ion know why you thought that shit would be cool."

I sucked my teeth. "That was like .. centuries ago." I told her. "And I knew you wouldn't have wanted to go, because there were no other girls."

"Seriously? Charlotte and like 3 other girls were there." She gave me a hurt look. "Why are you lying? I thought we were better then this, Ry."

I was finna speak when I was cut off by the nigga she was talking to.

"Hey Kind, can I getcho number?" He asked, licking his lips at her.

Kind smiled at him, making me push her behind me.

"No nigga, you can't. And you bold asfk to even come up to her while you see me standing here. I'm clearly her nigga." I said, ignoring the look kind had gave me.

"Ian know. The way she was talking to me earlier, I thought she was very much single." He said, making me sigh. I was trying so hard to not punch this nigga in his shit.

"She not." Was all I said, before grabbing kind roughly by her arm, and pulled her to my car. She stood by my car, just looking at it. "Get in, Ian playing." I told her.

She slowly got in, and slowly shut the door.

"Ryan, I promise you I wasn't in his face." She told me.

I decided on not answering, as I sped outta the parking lot. I could feel her burning holes in the side of my face.


"Okay Kind, Damn."

I glanced at her, seeing her mugging me, but she ain't say nun.

When we pulled up to Kentrell crib we got out, and walked inside.

"Hey y'all." Kendell said, looking at us then back at his game. "Fuck! Nigga I said don't kill me, I was tryna speak to my damn family." Kendell mugged.

"Watch yo mf mouth." Kentrell said, as he came outta the kitchen. He looked at us, in confusion. "I thought Jania said you 'posed to be over her house after school."

"I don't wanna go over there." I heard Kind mumble, as she sat on the couch on her phone.

"Why not?" I asked.

She shrugged her shoulders.

"Kind you can't be acting like you grown. She gone take me to court, and then I won't never get to see you." Kentrell huffed, sipping outta his cup.

"I don't care. I not going over there."

"You keep saying that, why though?" Kendell asked before going back to his game.

"Nun of y'all damn buisness. I just don't wanna go over there." She snapped, before getting up and stomping away.


Kentrell shook his head, and grabbed his phone. Couple seconds later I heard it ring.

"Jania, Kind is over here. I'll send her over tomorrow." He spoke into the phone. "Also, is there sumin going on that ion know 'bout? Kind be acting like she scared to go over there."

"Kentrell wtf you tryna say? Ion do nun to her. I barely even be there with her."

"So who be there with her? She clearly scared of sumin." I said.

"Ion have nobody around her but dejounte and my girl friends." Jania told him.

"Well sumin going on. And if I find out it got sumin to do with them, then I swear on everything I love it ain't gone be good."

"Whatever Kentrell."


This how I be when i finally update 💀

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This how I be when i finally update 💀

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