Get out.

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"I'm sorry, but she's not here

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"I'm sorry, but she's not here. She didn't come home yesterday. I thought she spent the night over her friend, Charlotte's house. Is there a problem?" Mrs. Holmes said.

I sighed, before shaking my head. "No, I'll go see if she's with Charlotte. Thank you." I said, while walking  away.

"When you see her, tell her bring her ass home! She needa start packing for California!" I heard her yell from behind me.

I almost went back to her and punched her in her shit. I'm already pissed off, knowing she gotta go.

I ignored her and got in the car, pulling off.

When I pulled up at Charlotte house,  instantly seen people on the porch.

"Wassup, li' Ryan." Terrance, Charlotte's brother said while dappin' me up.

I dapped his friends up also.

"Kind hea'?" I asked, he nodded.

"I must warn you." Terrance said, while looking at me side ways. "Kind is in thea', and both her and Charlotte is an emotional reck. It's sad asf. We had to leave because of how sad it had gotten. I mean, if you wanna cry then go ahead." He shrugged, while pointing.

I sighed, before going in there and up to Charlotte's room.

I heard "Fuck Love" by Xxxtentacion and Trippie Red blasting threw the room.

"Baby I need you in my life, in my life!" I heard them yell.

Then there was silence, until I heard sobs.

"He left me." I heard Charlotte cry.

I entered the room, seeing them on the bed, tissues surrounding them, and icecream in their hand.

They both looked at me, with tears going down their face.

Kind mugged me, and sniffled.

"Get out."

"I came to talk." I told her.

"I don't wanna talk to you, get out!" She yelled, while throwing a snot tissue at me.

I sighed. "Kind ..."

She ignored.


"Nigga she said she ain't wanna talk! Gone, so we can cry in peace." Charlotte mugged.

Kind nodded, while turning on, "How could you play me?" By Kiya Juliet.

Kind looked me in my eyes, as I sighed.

"How could play me, How could play me Baby?" Kind sung.

"You did me shady, you did me shadddyyyy." Charlotte sung.

"Outta alla da options I had I just wanted loveeee, I can't keep letting you play me I had enough." They sung together.

I smacked me lips. "Come on, let's talk." I said, while grabbing her hand.

She snatched her hand back. "Don't touch me, bum." She looked at me in disgust.

"Bet." I hiked up my pants, before grabbing her and throwing her over my shoulders.

"Stop!" She yelled, hitting on my back. "Put me the fuck down!"

I shook my head while leaving the room and house.

"Bye Kind! Bye li' Ryan!" Terrance said.

Kind continued to scream, until I placed her in the back seat, but she ended up opening the other door, making me grab her arm and pull her back in.

I got in the back seat too, and laid on her.

"Chill, you not finna go no where." I told her.

She continued to scream and kick, until she finally stop, and I felt the crook of my neck getting wet.

"It's okay kind." I mumbled, while rubbing her back. "I'm sorry I yelled at you. I'm so sorry, and I know I said some fucked up things but it was all out of anger. You know I can't control it, I was just saying anything to get you to feel how I felt. And I'm wrong for that. Please forgive me, I wouldn't want you to go to California knowing that I said some fucked up shit, and didn't apologize. That wouldn't sit right with me." I told her.

She kept her head in the crook of my neck, feeling her tears still touch me.

"I forgive you." She said, trying to control her breathing. She then grabbed my face, making me look her in her eyes. "Next time, you EVER disrespect me the way you did, I will cut your dick off and personally deliver that shit to Mrs. lee and Mr. lee, and let them know that you ain't shit." She told me, coldly.

I nodded, and smiled.

"You'n even gotta do allat, cause their won't be a next time." I told her.

"That's what folks say when they get a second chance after they done cheated. And you know what they do?" She asked me.


"Cheat again." She mumbled.

I laughed, but it was quickly cut short, by someone banging on the door.

We look back seeing Charlotte, with puffy red eyes.

"Y'all fuckin'?" She asked, then started back banging on the door.

"Yo whats her problem?" I mugged, while climbing into the front seat.

Kind climb in the passenger seat and strapped up.

"Ion know. Her and Troy broke up last night though." Kind said.

I started the car up.

"Which one? Sound cloud rapper, with 44 followers, Troy? Or, football player Troy?" I asked, while pulling away from Charlotte house.

"Sound cloud rapper." She laughed.

I shook my head. "Half his followers is his mama and her friends, he'on really got fans like that." I said.

"I know right. She can do better."

"For real. But when you 'posed to be goin' to California?" I asked her.

"In 3 days." She mumbled, I clenched my jaw.

"You right. We can always FaceTime assum." I frowned.

"But I don't wanna." She pouted. "Over the phone wont feel the same way as in person. I can't touch you, hug you, eat'cho food, hang out, talk about people nshit wit'chu when ima be over the phone and not there with you personally." She explained.

"It's okay." I rubbed her thigh. "We'll figure it out." I frowned.


Y'all ain't had to wait 5 days !😋

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